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DM Meeting @ 2017-11-27 17:10:00

Monday 27th November 2017

Meeting commenced 17:10

1. Welcome and apologies

Present: Caleb, Alex, Chris, Iain, Antoinette
Apologies: Richard, Casper, Anjana, Matt P, Matt W, Alec, Mike Joy, Jamie

CDM welcomed those present and distributed Aldi milk chocolate digestive biscuits

2. Rotas:

Week 9:

• Friday 1st 6:30pm – Detroit- Chris
• Saturday 2nd 9:30pm - Logan Lucky- Alex

• All filled

Week 10:

• Monday 4th 7:30pm - Rough Night- CDM to send email

• Nightmare before Christmas to be reset

3. Buddy Scheme
All new TDMs who have had a show have now been contacted about the buddy scheme.
Have QDMs contacted their buddies?
Chris yet to contact Jamie
Casper has contacted Antoinette
Alex yet to contact Todd
CDM reviewed responsibilities of a buddy, as outlined in an earlier meeting.

4. Final meeting
The final meeting of term will also be a mini Christmas party. CDM will email with details, and those planning to attend will need to email with their intent to do so, so that the right number of crackers and mince pies can be purchased.
The potential for party games was discussed.
Booking a room was suggested.

5. AOBs:
i. CDM looking into ordering new mini stamp
ii. Check loyalty cards if a suspicious amount come through given the stamp is missing
iii. Reminder that you can use EaW with raffle tickets
iv. Elastic band storage area being worked on
v. Roll A2s. See point above
vi. New banner to be ordered soon
vii. Early DMs- note the total EaW EPOS amount, as late the DM cannot see it!
viii. EaW EPPOS amounts may be appearing on show report in the future
ix. General reminder to note all early deactivation figures
x. It was discussed as to whether we should look into storing loyalty card eligibility on EPOS
xi. Cleaning services have not yet replied about left over vomit from It
xii. The broken chairs in L3 are now fixed

Meeting concluded 17:32

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