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Publicity Meeting @ 2007-05-21 18:30:00

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies: Laura Sparshot

2. Remote Desktop program
-The remote desktop program is not working for many of the editors
-The IT officer is investigating the problem
-Until it is fixed anyone wishing to do publicity design should contact the publicity officer to arrange getting access to computer directly during a film.
-There was concern of this problem causing serious issues with booklet design over the next few weeks.

3. Outdoor Screening
- The publicity officer raised a suggestion made to him previously by Robert Gardner that bright green T-shirts could be purchased and an advert for the outdoor screening screen printed onto the back.
- It was suggested that a Facebook event should be created for it. Ellie agreed to do this.
- Shrek shaped posters were suggested.
- James C. agreed to dress up as Shrek provided he didn't have to pay.
- Ellie suggested stapling up green fur with the posters to catch people's attention.
- The publicity officer suggested creating several large colour posters to advertise some of the best films for term 1 that could be put up at the event. The publicity officer volunteered to do one for Die Hard 4.0.

4. Booklet
- Work on the booklet will begin soon with people finding images/titles and writing reviews.
- If a mascot is decided in time (Robbie the Reel?) then it will be included in all the publicity.
- It was suggested that names of stars, directors or anything that might make people want to watch a film could be highlighted. The Publicity Officer said he would investigate how this could best be achieved.

5. Next term
- It was suggested that movie trivia could be added to posters to get people's attention
- James C. agreed to dress up as Robbie the Reel.
- It was suggested that a logo/symbol could be hidden on certain pieces of publicity. Anyone who found it could get to see a film for free.
- The publicity officer stated his intention to have a "getting involved" stand set up before busy shows and requested that other members of the publicity team help man it.
-The possibility of aiming publicity at staff members for a particular film showing was suggested.
- It was agreed that the following term 1 films/events would receive extra publicity:
300, 28 Weeks Later, The British Film Week, The Shining, The Allnighter, The Simpsons, The Bourne Ultimatum and Nightmare Before Christmas.
-For the British Film Week a prize draw was suggested and a publicity design based on the Union Jack with film images faded into the background was proposed.

6. AOB
- Pizza was eaten

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