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Exec Meeting @ 2018-01-10 17:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Wednesday 10th January (Term 2 Week 1)


H1.02, Humanities

Present: Reece Goodall (President; chair), Irene Mercader (External Relations Officer; minutes), Kieran Hall (Chief Projectionist), Hamish Brown (Marketing Officer), Benji Levine (IT Officer), Caleb Gilliam-Scott (Chief Duty Manager), Chris Greenland (Publicity Officer), Lakshmi Ajay (Events and Socials Coordinator) and Anjana Radhakrishnan (Vice President; points 3-6; minutes).

Also present: Richard Kirk

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Matt Williams (Treasurer) and Matt Davies (Films Officer).

2. Pub Quiz
Arrangements have been made for the pub quiz coming up on Friday 26th January, including booking of the pub from 9:30pm onwards. Everyone is encouraged to come. Crew will be having a meal at the pub beforehand. Two new people will be hosting the quiz (Wilkie and Andrew), so it is good to see new people getting involved! Richard has agreed to sign up as a DM for the evening. At least 3 stewards are needed for the evening to do the marking and help run the event, an email will be sent requesting stewards to sign up. Prizes need to be bought for the quiz, the budget is £50. A Facebook event needs to be created for the quiz to help publicise it.

3. Welfare Officer
Changes were proposed for the role of Welfare Officer – Reece will email around the responsibilities for the role with the changes implemented. To clarify, this is not a standalone role – it will be filled by a member of exec in addition to their elected role.

One issue discussed was what to do in the case that the role is not filled voluntarily, and what if more than one person wanted the role. If multiple people want to fill the role, the executive committee will vote and decide who will get the role.

It was discussed that there should be regular meetings with the welfare officer (perhaps weekly) for people to go and speak to, if they wish, and additionally, there should be regular meetings with the exec (monthly/termly). People can choose whether they wish to go or not – this could also be open to others in the society.

4. Upcoming Socials
There is a social next week on Wednesday to go to Laser Quest, there is a Facebook event page for the event with further details. ‘Meet the Exec’ will be taking place in L4 on Wednesday week 5, from 5pm, with plans for food afterwards. There is a Facebook event advertising the event.

Wednesday, week 3, at 4pm, in L4, just before the ‘Meet the Exec’ event was suggested.

6. AOB
i) An issue was raised regarding a possible issue if a wheelchair user wishes to be a Duty Manager – could we make the role suitable for wheelchair users? It’s something we would have to work with the Estates team on, and try to come up with arrangements should such a situation arise.
ii) Voting for dual applications for exec roles in the coming elections needs to be completed – this was seen to before this meeting.
iii) A programming meeting needs to be arranged soon, either week 4 or week 6. Matt D will decide on this and have further details.
iv) We need to start planning for this term’s All-Nighter
v) Reece has presents for each member of the exec which will be presented at the All-Nighter.
vi) Please roll A2s if you are in the office. More rubber bands are needed.
vii) Hannah Freeman has been informed and congratulated on obtaining Lifetime Crew status by Reece.
viii) Caleb has a new safe code to distribute to those who are required to know it.
ix) Possibility of bringing back Sunday shows was discussed. This plan involved removing Monday shows owing to low attendance, and having double screenings on Sundays, but at earlier times (early afternoon, and perhaps 6pm for the later show). This would allow crew to travel on a Sunday at more suitable times for busses, and there isn’t much happening on campus on a Sunday afternoon, so it could attract more students, particularly those on campus. A more detailed plan will be discussed and distributed at a later time.
x) All trainee DMs have been paired with a qualified DM buddy.
xi) Hamish informed us that he is a bit behind on making slides for this term, but he is working on them and doing his best.
xii) It was discussed whether to offer those attending our AGM and voting in our elections a free film, to encourage better turnouts.
xiii) It was discussed whether arranging collaborations with other societies should fall under the Vice Presidents responsibility or remain as a responsibility for External Relations Officer – it was decided that the next executive committee can make a decision on this as they see fit.

Meeting ended at: 17:59

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