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Exec Meeting @ 2017-10-18 19:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Wednesday 18th October (Term 1 Week 3)


H3.05, Humanities

Present: Reece Goodall (President; chair), Anjana Radhakrishnan (Vice President; minutes), Caleb Gilliam-Scott (Chief Duty Manager), Chris Greenland (Publicity Officer), Matt Davies (Films Officer), Matt Williams (Treasurer), Benji Levine (IT Officer), Kieran Hall (Chief Projectionist), Irene Mercader (External Relations Officer), Lakshmi Ajay (Events and Socials Coordinator; points 4-6) and Hamish Brown (Marketing Officer).

Also present: Richard Kirk, Joe Lacey (points 4-7)

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apology sent by Alex Pointon (Technical Officer).

2. Team Progress Reports
Caleb informed us that we have 26 trainee stewards signed up now. Despite some issues with emails at first, we have managed to resolve most issues so far. Trainee stewards have been advised not to sign up to a show with 3 trainees already signed up. We currently only have 2 trainee DMs now, and Taylor is due to have a qualification show soon. We are looking to take on more trainee DMs soon, to take the total number of trainee DMs to 6.
Kieran gave feedback on the projection team. There are approximately 25 people interested in becoming trainee projectionists, 7 of them have been interviewed so far. After consulting the projectionists tomorrow at the projection team meeting, he is looking to take on new trainees soon for Digital Projection.
Chris has had 15 new people sign up to the publicity team. 3 or 4 people have sent in reviews so far. They are yet to work on weekly publicity etc.
Hamish is meeting a couple of people tomorrow who are interested in helping with the Marketing team.
Richard asked if there will be workshops for Marketing and Publicity teams to learn how to use Photoshop and other software. Both officers have been dealing with any queries on a one-to-one basis, as and when it comes up.
Benji has a few trainees for the IT team. There are a range of abilities, and he has been advertising a few workshops for people to come along and learn more. He’s been focussed on web-development so far, and will be running more training sessions when he can.

3. Publicity
Chris asked everyone to roll up A2s in the office, when they can.
We got through all of our A4s that we ordered for the term through our initial publicity runs and Freshers bags (x5000). It will be £36.95 to order a further 1000 A4s, which will be placed on our publicity table. Shipping costs are free. Chris will redesign them to make them more relevant to the later weeks in the term.
A publicity proofing group may be created on Slack.

4. Allnighter
Hamish is going to start making the trailer for this and have it ready by this time next week. He is going to try and get this up on the Big Screen. There may or may not be a mystery film during the Allnighter, so we will have to publicise the event without a mystery film. The running order is: Scott Pilgrim Versus the World, Baby Driver, Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and The World’s End. We may have a quiz at some point in the night. It was considered whether we show episodes of Spaced in breaks between the films.
The prices for tickets will be: £9 (members), £13 (non-members), and £15 (external), £5 (crew and crew guest – only one allowed per member of crew) and the ticket will be free for Lifetime crew members. Forms need to be sent in to arrange the ticketing with the SU. This was ratified by the exec with 9 votes for and 2 votes against. Benji will make tickets for the event for our system.
There will be a publicity run for the event, and Hamish will arrange the marketing side of advertising soon. Matters with the SU need to be sorted out as soon as possible.
The exec considered creating a stylised ticket, Chis will look into this further and try to design a ticket.
There will be a meal before and after the event. There could be a pizza order on the night, but it will not be subsidised.

5. Upcoming Socials
There is a Karaoke social tonight at the Duck, people will be heading there for food from 8.30pm. In week 4, we will be going to pop. There will be a meal beforehand at Bar Fusion. This will be a joint social with Film Studies society at Bar Fusion – the theme is horror movie villains or monsters. In week 5 we will be going to watch a film at the Odeon on Wednesday. There are more socials planned for later in the term too.

This will be decided on an exec email thread, weekend of week 4 was suggested.

7. AOB
i) Wonder Woman is somewhere on campus according to those who delivered it, but we don’t know where. This is being investigated.
ii) Matt W asked if anyone would be in the office tomorrow around noon to sign Money Request Forms. Reece said he may be around.
iii) We won’t be having another Getting Involved Meeting later this term, but there may be one next term.
iv) Someone from the Sports Centre want to bring in bicycles into L3, and ride them during a film, as part of ‘Warwick Girls Can’ campaign. This is for the 24th November – when we are showing IT. Irene has been informed and will deal with it.
v) It was raised during the DM meeting on Monday that we need to advertise events with more notice on Social Media. As a solution, we could create an event on Facebook for events we know are coming, and schedule them to be published a week or two before they are due to happen. Share events, invite as many members of the society as possible.
vi) There are lots of collaborations planned, approximately one a week for the rest of term. If you want a special ticket to be made for a collaboration – please let Benji know. If such tickets are used, please use these special tickets when they apply, so we can keep a track of how many members of the collaborating society are coming to the screening. Caleb will inform the DMs to let stewards know when appropriate.
vii) We could include logo of the society we are collaborating with in the picture frame for the film to show we are working with them.
viii) We were approached by WUSAC (Sub Aqua Club) to show their trailer ahead of a few of their films. Irene will deal with this.
ix) One of our films has received interest from two societies for a collaboration – the exec decided this should not be an issue, and we just need to make sure both societies are aware.
x) Matt D is involved in putting together a small, student run film festival in the Arts Centre on 23rd April. The theme is 1960s British Cinema. He would like to consider a collaboration with that event and WSC. This can be discussed closer to the time of the event.
xi) Kieran is happy with the posts on Facebook.
xii) There are training schemes on 35 mm projection run by someone else on campus. It is not up to our standards, but may be something to keep an eye on when recruiting 35 mm projectionists.
xiii) Warwick Volunteers want either a slide or a 30 second trailer for Warwick Volunteers week.
xiv) We are on the MyWarwick app. The location currently is Lecture Theatre 3 on the Science Concourse, instead of Warwick Student Cinema L3, so this is something that needs to be changed – Kieran will look into this.
xv) Benji would like to talk about how IT works at FilmSoc. The quantity of work for the IT team is less clearly defined, compared to other teams within the society. Benji and Kieran are the only experienced members of the IT team capable of fixing things, meaning it can get very stressful when things break suddenly. Additionally, it would be better if we avoid using external services to create a website, as this would be expensive, and doing it ourselves gives opportunity for our crew to get involved and learn new skills. Please be patient when things break, and know that there are individuals working very hard – in their free time – to fix this.
xvi) Exec members were advised that if they need help with their roles and responsibilities, please ask for help from other exec or non-exec members.
xvii) We will be having a programming meeting in week 5. An event will be created for that and publicise it ahead of time.

Meeting ended at: 20:37

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