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Exec Meeting @ 2017-09-29 11:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Friday 29th September (Term 1 Week 0)


Bar Fusion

Present: Anjana Radhakrishnan (Vice-President; minutes), Caleb Gilliam-Scott (Chief Duty Manager), Kieran Hall (Chief Projectionist), Irene Mercader (External Relations Officer), Reece Goodall (President) and Chris Greenland (Publicity Officer).

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Matt Williams (Treasurer), Lakshmi Ajay (Events and Socials Coordinator), Hamish Brown (Marketing Officer) and Matthew Davies (Films Officer).

2. Pub Run and Freshers’ Weekend
There are pub runs taking place on both Saturday and Sunday, from 12pm and 11am respectively, starting in L3.
We are showing screenings of Moana’s on Saturday and Sunday, with crew signed up to all.

3. Freshers’ Fortnight Update
On Monday at 2pm, until 3.30pm, we have a radio show on RaW, anyone who wants to come along and chat are welcome.
On Wednesday, we will be at Societies Fair from 10am-5pm (plus additional time before and after for setting up and packing up), there is a sign-up sheet on the website to sign up to slots when you are available to help.
On Saturday at 2pm, we will be having a Getting Involved meeting in L3. There will be a pizza order that needs to be approved by the exec. Team leaders are required to be present, but it would be good to see all the exec there to welcome newcomers. Team leaders will be making a speech to introduce themselves and what their team does. Please prepare sign-up sheet(s) in advance.
On Sunday at the end of Week 1 we will be having an Open Cinema from 10am to 5pm.
On Saturday Week 2 is our Pub Quiz starting from 9.30pm at The Dirty Duck. For the Pub Quiz we will begin preparing hours in advance, and have a meal at the Duck beforehand.

4. Upcoming Socials
Lakshmi would like the exec to come to as many socials as possible during the Freshers’ period. The first event coming up is the welcome back meal on Wednesday at 6pm in Xananas. There is a Facebook event with further details and updates. Please select ‘Going’ if you intend to attend so she can confirm numbers and book a table – this applies for similar socials in future to make it easier to book a table.
There will be a Scavenger hunt on Wednesday Week 2, at 4pm. We will be working with Film Studies, Star Wars and Who Soc for this event, and there will be a charity bucket for donations.

The next exec meeting will be on Saturday 7th October at 12pm in L3, ahead of the Getting Involved meeting.

6. AOB
i) Societies Council is taking place on Tuesday. Lakshmi and Reece are attending.
ii) If there are missing slots on the rota, could the exec please sign up to them, particularly in the first two weeks.
iii) Richard came up with the idea of having a cheap android phone or something for FilmSoc so companies can be contacted for sponsorship through that phone so they have a single number to contact. The Marketing Officer could also use this phone for Snapchat. Those present at the meeting seemed happy with this idea, so Irene will look into it.
iv) Please keep the exec office tidy. Reece has done a bit of a clean-up over summer.
v) The opticians at Cannon Park want to attract students, and may be interested in sponsoring us. Caleb has given them a sponsorship pack.
vi) The Other Side of Hope wasn’t booked through the Troy’s so the payment for that needs to be organised differently (Matt W – please speak to Kieran).
vii) Caleb fed back from a DM meeting that popcorn will continue to be disallowed in L3 for our usual screenings.
viii) A more private group will be created for Guess the Attendance.
ix) Everyone is encouraged to buy FilmSoc membership.
x) Reece is running for the Societies Exec.

Meeting ended at: 11.47

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