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DM Meeting @ 2017-05-16 18:10:00

Meeting commenced 18:10

1. Welcome and apologies

Present: Caleb, Giles, Alex, Richard, Michael, Iain, Casper
Apologies: Matt, Anjana, Chris
In attendance: Reece, Kieran, Andy

CDM welcomed those present and distributed Morrison’s cookies

2. Rotas:

Week 4:

•Friday 19th 9:30pm - The Lego Batman Movie- Alex
•Saturday 20th 9:30pm Moonlight- Michael

•Friday 19th 6:30pm - The Lego Batman Movie-(*)
•Saturday 20th 9:30pm- Moonlight-

Week 5:

•Saturday 27th 9:30pm - John Wick: Chapter 2- CDM to email

•Saturday 27th 6:30pm - John Wick: Chapter 2-CDM to send email
•Saturday 27th 9:30pm - John Wick: Chapter 2- Possibly Iain

3. AOBs:

I.Please inform CDM when spare change is used, and if it is looking low
II.A reminder not to swap laptop USBs was made
III.Please continue handing out what A2s we have, so they don’t go to waste
IV.If you are unable to cash up due to website being down, please put everything in nightsafe boxes (located on top shelf of DM cupboard), labelling which show. If all boxes are in use, then place everything in grey takings bags with a label stating which show and that it has NOT been deactivated
V.It was felt a copy of the schedule should be on the Facebook page, perhaps as a cover photo. CDM will raise with marketing & publicity officers.
VI.Reece asked if anyone would be interested in hosting (or being a guest on) the WSC radio show next year. Interested parties should contact Reece.
VII.The SU is pushing for a welfare officer. Reece is suggesting we have a trainee “buddy” system to provide welfare support, assigning to each TDM a QDM.
VIII.The former publicity officer requested the rolling of posters
IX.It was suggested that when using raffle tickets only one colour should be used, to aid door stewards and prevent reuse. DMs should give a whole sheet to each individual till steward, instructing them to place their filled sheets in the floats and replenish where necessary
X.Richard informed us there is a goose on eggs outside the DCS. Richard will keep us updated
XI.Kieran apologised on behalf of the IT team for the outages over the weekend, and are looking for solutions to “streamline” our experience at the tills
XII.EPOS 3.1 coming soon with mass DM override
XIII.Can DMs report to IT any customer displaying “can’t find uni id” . They should provide IT with the uni number and whether they are a member. Also report any names with non-ASCII characters e.g. #, *, $

Further communication between the DM team will be carried out through email during weeks 5-9.
This means there will be no weekly meetings.
AOBs can be raised in an email thread.
Please continue to provide trainee reports, and post in the relevant thread if there are any concerns.
CDM will notify via email when meetings will resume.

Meeting concluded 18:37

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