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Exec Meeting @ 2017-05-06 13:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Saturday 6th May (Term 3 Week 2)


H0.03, Humanities

Present: Reece Goodall (President; chair), Anjana Radhakrishnan (Vice President; minutes), Caleb Gilliam-Scott (Chief Duty Manager), Chris Greenland (Publicity Officer), Hamish Brown (Marketing Officer), Matt Davies (Films Officer), Kieran Hall (Chief Projectionist), Benji Levine (IT Officer), Lakshmi Ajay (Events and Socials Coordinator) and Matt Williams (Treasurer).

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Richard Kirk (External Relations Officer).

2. Big Screening
Our Big Screening this year will be Incredibles on Tuesday week 10. Ideas for theming the event were discussed. Cardboard cut-outs of city-scape (we still have a sheet of MDF in a known location) was suggested, a themed cardboard photo frame can be created for people to take photos on the day, and other ideas were also discussed such as costumes.

The piazza is booked, all the forms are complete and approved. Andy has been contacted regarding the film itself.

Reece is speaking to various musical societies if they can present a short performance related to the film on the day.

Lakshmi will look into costumes and organising people to wear them.

Chris is working on a design for crew shirts.

3. Publicity
£4400 was spent on publicity this year, and a lot was wasted. Ideas were discussed for how to use more of the publicity, such as publicity runs covering more accommodations and asking crew to take publicity back to their accommodation – particularly if they are on campus. Other ideas were discussed for promoting the society next term such as having a stall in the piazza during arrivals weekend. Other companies could be investigated for cheaper publicity.

The idea of not having the schedule on the back of loyalty cards was discussed so that we can have the same loyalty cards throughout the year and also for multiple years. This could save money as we can bulk buy and they’ll have a longer shelf-life. However, many of the exec felt that a schedule on the back is key to helping people know what films we are showing, as it is a wallet/pocket-sized piece of card.

Richard added that we should be very careful about moving company for publicity. Emmersons are reliable and we know the quality we get from them. Other ideas for increasing our presence on campus were also suggested such as using the signage around campus, and see if Marketing can make weekly slides that could be sent to them. We could also speak to head resident tutors to get our slides onto their screens, and try and send publicity to departments more regularly, as it worked for Spring term.

4. Socials
There will be a social to watch Guardians of the Galaxy 2 in the Coventry Odeon on Wednesday next week (week 3). Ideas of having a barbeque towards the end of term were mentioned. There is a trip to Edinburgh at the end of week 9. There will be a trip to a theme park in week 10 (possibly Alton Towers).

WSC awards were discussed. Lakshmi will send an email about ideas for categories – others are welcome to contribute to this.

This will be decided on an exec email thread.

7. AOB
i) Josh was unanimously ratified as a digital projectionist.
ii) We have been shortlisted for the Creative Warwick Award and Andy has been shortlisted for Outstanding Contributions at Societies Awards. Reece will also be performing on the night, so if you want a ticket they are on sale now.
iii) Kieran has noticed numerous typos and other errors in the constitution. These changes will be listed and voted on by exec to confirm these.
iv) Keys – Caleb will contact Angela and Imogen to get their keys back. We generally have a shortage of keys. Reece is going to try and get some cut for the short term, but the idea of keypad locks were discussed, so that a code can just be circulated among those who require access rather than keys having to be cut.
v) An event will be created on Facebook for the Frozen sing-along, which is in week 9, Tuesday.
vi) There will be a programming meeting in week 9.
vii) Mayur Dave was awarded Lifetime Crew.
viii) Prizes were considered for Guess the Attendance. These may be implemented from next term.
ix) The Big Screen are not currently accepting videos to be shown, but slides can be shown. Reece will investigate why this is the case.
x) Matt W will be applying for a grant from the SU for the society.
xi) Matt D was contacted about screening a documentary – he will discuss this with Reece.
xii) The Arts Centre is showing Get Out the same day as us, which could potentially be a problem.
xiii) The Arts Centre is renovating their cinema next year, so they may not have one – discussions will take place to find out what their plans are and if we can work together in the coming years.
xiv) Benji has made changes to the links on our websites to update them. Societies such as RaW will be contacted about having links for each other in our websites and updating these.
xv) Putting up film posters during shows was mentioned to advertise our films, but it would be extra work for the DM and could lead to confusion as to which film we are showing on the night.
xvi) Selling snacks ahead of films was mentioned. We could look into this, and possibly implement ot next term.
xvi) Reece was contacted about advertising MTW’s event, but it clashes with our timetable – but in exchange they will create a social to come watch a film of ours. We can create a slide for them.
xvii) When making slides for publicity, please make sure the logos are not too close to the edge, as it will get cut off.
xviii) We are heading to the Duck today (Saturday 6th May) at 3pm for a meet and greet – everyone is welcome.

Meeting ended at: 14:52

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