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Projectionists Meeting @ 2017-04-27 18:10:00

Proj Meeting: Term 3, Week 1 2017
Welcome and Apologies

Present: Richard, Lakshmi, Josh, Hannah and Kieran
In Attendance: Irene, Matt and Benji
Apologies: Reece, Joel, Joe L and Phil

Rotas to be Filled

• Manchester by the Sea (late) this Saturday: Richard can possibly do this
• Toni Erdmann on Thursday
• Trainee slot for Silence on Monday: filled by Benji

Show Reports

A Monster Calls – Monday; Q-proj: Kieran T-Proj: Irene
• Emergency lights came on and went off again before people were let in.
• Estates should be chased up.

Sing – Tuesday; Q-Proj: Kieran; T-Proj: Hazel
• Pretty good.
• Richard did most of the training as he was originally signed up to proj.

Tech Officer's Report


Proj Procedure Changes

• CD player is poorly so we must use the media server. Benji will check that the media server can access Filmbank. The relevant macros for this will be added to Start Up. Still use CD fade down macros – these are poorly named. Use foobar2000 for playing music on media server.
• We are now using ReplayGain to automatically adjust volume of all songs to be equal on media server; this macro maybe should be raised again to 3.2 as it adjusts to a quiet volume.
• Jackie is 1.66:1, as is its trailer. It's worth switching to Euro Wide for the trailer to the avoid hideous unmasked keystone. This switch takes time – one extra second of black should suffice.
• The Euro Wide masking macro is currently named 'Masking Close' as masking preset slot has been reused; Richard says we should probably rename this.
• New power path diagram; add breakers to projector but otherwise projes present seem happy. Please train the new path from now on.
• Start_up_2017 has had changes; CONSTANT VIGILANCE for slides flashing/being cut off.


• Difficulties ingesting from USB (bay dead again). Deleted KDM/ingest log and re-plugged HDD. We suspect this was a loose connection and the deleting was a co-incidence.
• Benji has taken two Sing posters. We are very happy to get rid of them.
• Suggestion of displaying relevant posters on tills. It is noted that it would be good for DMs to now have some work to do.
• Roll A2s says Richard.
• All DCPs and KDMs until Toni Erdmann are here – please ingest.
• We could play Bar Fusion's board games at next meeting.
• Please actually bring board games to Lakshmi's social.
• Richard has forgotten his actual AOB.

Meeting ended at 18:48

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