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DM Meeting @ 2017-04-28 14:10:00

Meeting commenced 14:10

1. Welcome and apologies

Present: Caleb, Chris, Casper, Iain, Michael, Anjana, Jess (late)
Apologies: Richard, Justin, Alex, Giles

CDM welcomed those present and distributed Aldi ginger nuts to everybody

2. Rotas:

Week: 1
• All slots filled, thanks to much nagging by CDM
• Friday 28th April “Split” 9:30pm-

Week: 2
• Saturday 6th May “La La Land” 6:30pm- Caleb
• Saturday 6th May “La La Land” 9:30pm- Potentially Michael

• Monday 1st May “Silence”- Iain
• Thursday 4th May “Toni Erdmann”- CDM to send email
• Friday 5th May “La La Land” 9:30pm- CDM to send email
• Saturday 6th May “La La Land” 9:30pm- Taylor

3. AOBs:

•Please inform stewards to give out change in old £1 coins
•Let CDM know if there are any old £5 notes in the floats/spare change
•Caleb asked the publicity officer if it would be feasible placing an A3 wallplanner under the LCD screen directly outside L3
•Please can DMs hand out folded A2 publicity at the end of screenings in week 1 &2
•The publicity officer, following in the vein of the previous publicity officer, asked people to roll posters in their spare time
•Michael raised the question of when the inner doors should be closed during a screening
•DMs should make active stewards aware that following the CDM’s purge of crew statuses, some people may be expecting a crew ticket when one is not available to them.
•It was proposed that Mayur Dave should be nominated for lifetime crew
•CDM disseminated the term’s new safe code

Meeting concluded 14:27

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