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Exec Meeting @ 2017-03-04 12:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Saturday 4th March (Term 2 Week 8)


H0.02, Humanities

Present: Anjana Radhakrishnan (Vice President; chair and minutes), Caleb Gilliam-Scott (Chief Duty Manager), Matt Davies (Films Officer), Kieran Hall (Chief Projectionist), Benji Levine (IT Officer), Alex Pointon (Technical Officer), Chris Greenland (Publicity Officer), Hamish Brown (Marketing Officer), Lakshmi Ajay (Events and Socials Coordinator) and Reece Goodall (President; via Skype).

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Matt Williams (Treasurer) and Richard Kirk (External Relations Officer).

2. Outdoor Screening
Our Outdoor Screening this year will be Incredibles on Tuesday week 10. Ideas for theming the event were discussed. Cardboard cut-outs of city-scape (we still have a sheet of MDF in a known location), a photo with a character competition, and other ideas were also discussed such as costumes.

Chris will create a design for crew shirts.

3. Term 3
The schedule for next term has been decided – Matt D will send it off soon. Chris will start organising publicity for next term.

4. Socials
Week 9, Wednesday at 5pm – there is an ‘Easter Egg Hunt’ starting in L3. Our end of term meal will be on Thursday 7pm, in Las Iguanas. A social to go watch Logan in laser IMAX was discussed – Matt D will speak to Andy about it.

5. External Relations Report
Copies of the report were passed around for people to look at. It was discussed that the Outdoor Screening price needs to be increased as the cost is much higher - £5000 was suggested. A soft copy of the report will be emailed to the exec.

This will be decided on an exec email thread, likely in week 1 term 3.

7. AOB
i) We currently aren’t showing many 35mm films – but there are quite a few costs for maintenance that are coming up. Alex Pointon will send an email to exec with the exact cost to replace the LEDs.
ii) Kieran, Matt D and Hamish need to upload photos onto the website.
iii) Joel, Phil, Alex H, Michael and Jess were nominated for lifetime crew. This was unanimously approved for all of them.
iv) Physics would like to use L3 on a Wednesday night 31st May during term 3 – we are happy for them to use it as we do not have a film screening that night. Socials and Events Coordinator has been made aware.
v) We are getting adverts for films we are not showing – and there is some confusion with the Arts Centre. Alex P will chase it up.
vi) MTW wanted us to show a film – but it clashes with our timetable so we can’t do this.
vii) Chris and Alex had a meeting with Hannah and Brian (Societies coordinators) at the SU to let them know about what we do as a society.
viii) Ticket collection problems – the SU doesn’t seem to understand how we use it or why we need it. Hamish and Richard went to speak to the SU about this. Brian (societies coordinator) will be shown how we operate the tills for an Allnighter.
ix) It was discussed if we would be applying for Societies Awards this year – Chris and Lakshmi have shown interest in helping out with this.
x) There is an Exec training session on Sunday 12th March in the Oculus from 10:30am to 2pm. President, Vice President and Treasurer are required to attend – and send apologies if they cannot attend. A free lunch is provided.
xi) Events for all the socials are on Facebook – respond to these requests so Lakshmi has a good idea of numbers.
xii) Shortage of keys was discussed and possibly having code-locks on doors instead, to save money on key cutting.
xiii) Hamish needs keys, he will be given a set after the meeting.
xiv) In Edinburgh there is a film festival where they are showing Raiders of the Lost Ark with a live orchestra. Lakshmi will be looking into this to maybe organise a small tour.
xv) We are collaborating for International Women’s Week by showing the Colour Purple on Sunday at the end of week 9, at 7:30pm – they have provided us with a Blu-Ray and will make a speech before the start of the film, so we need to make sure the microphone is working.
xvi) The idea of making some ‘behind the scenes’ videos that we could use next academic year was suggested. Many people showed interest – Hamish will lead this, and we will hopefully have something ready before the start of the next academic year.
xvii) Options for doing something on Sunday evenings was discussed – such as free educational screenings, talks and socials. These would be a bit less formal than our screenings, so we don’t need stewards and duty managers, but it would be nice to do something on Sundays.
xviii) Reece is working on a project to take Filmsoc to some local primary and secondary schools – he’s been speaking to all the teachers he knows in the area. He will keep us informed - this would happen in term 3, seeing as he is completely free. Finham and Hearsall primary schools may be quite keen on this (suggestions from Kieran).
xix) The idea of a blog was brought up by Reece – we could review films, have film news. It was discussed how would we fit it in with the rest of our marketing, and who would be responsible for maintaining this. We could incorporate it into the current news section of the website.

Meeting ended at: 13:45

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