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Exec Meeting @ 2017-02-15 16:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Wednesday 15th February (Term 2 Week 6)


OC1.02, Oculus

Present: Chris Greenland (President, Publicity Officer elect; chair), Anjana Radhakrishnan (Vice-President, Vice-President elect; minutes), Alex Holmes (Treasurer), Mike Le Guillou (Socials and Events Coordinator), Joel Speed (IT Officer), Richard Kirk (Publicity Officer, External Relations elect), Matthew Williams (Chief Duty Manager, Treasurer elect), Hannah Freeman (Marketing Officer), Lakshmi Ajay (Chief Projectionist, Events and Socials Coordinator elect), Benji Levine (IT Officer elect), Hamish (Marketing Officer elect), Caleb Gilliam-Scott (Chief Duty Manager elect) Kieran Hall (Chief Projectionist elect) and Reece Goodall (President elect).

Also present: Jonatan Benarroch

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Matt Davies (Films Officer elect) and Alex Pointon (Technical Officer).

2. Exec Procedure
This is a brief explanation of how meetings work for the new exec members. You can raise topics with the president or vice president beforehand to be added to the agenda and AOB’s are always on the agenda for anyone present at the meeting to raise points. Votes held by the exec must have at least two thirds of the votes rounded up (8 out of 12) in favour of the motion to pass. Votes are often held at exec meetings, but also via email threads. They can be initiated by any member of the exec (as appropriate).

3. Technical Officer
Alex P is happy to be co-opted as Technical Officer, and this was passed by the exec (12/13 pass).

4. Handover Progress
Handovers for CP, CDM, Publicity Officer, Marketing Officer, and Events and Socials Coordinator have been completed. Treasurer handover has been arranged and the handover for IT Officer and President is in progress.

5. DiCaprio Allnighter
The film order was decided at a previous meeting, here is a reminder: The Great Gatsby, The Departed, Wolf of Wall Street, Inception and Catch Me If You Can. Exec handover and qualification certificates will be distributed between the first two films. Rest of the breaks will be 10 minutes long, and is expected to end at approximately 10am. This running order was unanimously approved. A mystery/short clip may be made by a few of the projectionists.

Tickets: FREE – staff, Lifetime crew and Lifetime crew guest, £5 crew and crew guest, £9 members, £13 non-members, £15 external. One crew guest allowed per crew, and one lifetime crew guest allowed per lifetime crew. This was unanimously approved by the exec members present at the meeting. 230 tickets will be advertised online.

Richard has created a specialised ticket for the event, but they may not be ordered due to poor ticket sales so far. This may be reviewed if ticket sales pick up.

Mike has booked Xananas for dinner at 5pm before the Allnighter and breakfast at 10am after the Allnighter. There will probably be a crew pizza order during the Allnighter. There will not be a quiz.

£1 per paid ticket will go towards Teenage Cancer Trust.

There will be a publicity run at 1pm on Sunday, meeting at L3. Hannah, Joel, Reece, Hamish and Mike have given their apologies.

6. Big Screening
This was approved by the previous exec as The Incredibles. Ideas for theming the event were discussed. Polo shirts for the event will be designed by the Chris, Anjana and Reece will look into booking the Piazza, Lakshmi will work on the Event Planning Pack.

7. Sponsorship Pack - External Relations Officer
The pricing and packages need to be rebalanced. We may implement a scaling system to account for the size of the company. A booklet will be designed – without the date, to prolong shelf-life, and Richard will speak to Emmerson’s about pricing. Richard will give us a report every 2 weeks or so to keep us updated on the progress. There will be a spreadsheet with all the companies contacted.

8. Term 3 Publicity
2000 A2s (1500 folded), 2500 A4s and 4000 loyalty cards will be ordered for term 3. Richard and Chris will get back to us regarding prices. Beermats, pens and magnets were discussed. A replacement banner hasn’t been designed yet.

9. Events and Socials
- In Term 3, Reece will be performing at Societies Awards for the society – it may be good if we went (and possibly applied for the awards too).
- In Term 1 of next year Reece would like us to hold a live film with MTW. All voices, music and sound would be performed live, in sync with the film. It would be free for all/members. (Reece wants to pay for it). He’s seen it done before and it works really well if it’s done well. They’re up for it, and crew would be encouraged to get involved if they so wished.
- Term 2, we’ve got two things. Firstly, the concert with the music centre. We would help publicise and work with them, and it would be an evening of film music (I believe it’s free, but I’m not certain of that). Then, another silent film – Nosferatu – to be scored live, as with Steamboat Bill Jr. Again, to be free for all.

Other ideas were also discussed such as E Sports.

Upcoming socials: straight after this meeting we have Chris’ evil Q show and a collaboration with Offbeat to watch a film and have a takeaway. Tomorrow we will be going to the real ale festival. Next week we have the Allnighter so the socials will be meals before and after the Allnighter. The week after that is Skool Dayz. Lakshmi would like us to give her suggestions about where to have an end of term meal. An Easter Egg Hunt was suggested for week 9 – Lakshmi will consult Joe who has previous lead one.

This will be decided on an exec email thread, likely in 2 weeks time.

11. AOB
i) Reece thanked the previous exec for their commitment for taking on their roles, helping the society continue.
ii) If no one turns up to the film, we still have to pay for the film.
iii) Free for members/everyone films for next term needs to be decided and voted on. This will be brought up again in a later exec meeting, once the schedule has been confirmed.
iv) Caleb and Casper were unanimously ratified as Duty Managers. Adam was unanimously ratified as a Projectionist.
v) The time commitment of 35mm was discussed, and if we should carry on showing 35mm films.
vi) Matt W will be doing a shirt order for exec soon, so at some point all elected exec members need to let Matt know what name they would like on there.
vii) Kieran reminded those present at the meeting to make sure the dump is closed properly.
viii) Please make sure you don’t like/comment as Warwick Student Cinema on Facebook as it can look unprofessional. Please invite your friends to our events!
ix) Alex is trying to ask the SU about taking card payments, but his questions are not being answered.
x) If you are in the office and you are bored, please roll posters. If we are almost out of rubber bands, let the Publicity Officer know so more can be purchased.
xi) There are different licences that we could be get for our socials – a special TV licence, and another licence that enables us to play DVD’s and Blu Rays.
xii) Alex P needs £580 for a sound service to reset and reconfigure the AP20 – this was approved by the exec.

Meeting ended at: 18:00

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