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Exec Meeting @ 2007-06-05 13:27:16

Exec Meeting 29/05/07

1. Welcome and apologies
James C Outdoor Screening.
Eleanor Outdoor Screening and Quasar.
Helen Signing invoices, emailing Simon.
James Mac Chaired 2 meetings, 2 qualifications
Tom Phoning scaff companies, tried to contact Bell about SSDS, scaff guy in meeting all day.
Tim Points from last meeting. Doesn’t know how feasible forums will be.
George Chaired a meeting, Paid for pizza himself, planning term 1 in great detail.
JC commented on Flags of our Fathers and Iwo Jima publicity and how amazing it is.
Maria Might have to do 3 shows this week. One qualification.

Claire apologised for not being present. Got confused and though meeting was last week.

2. Sponsorship Updates

The Executive were updated on the sponsorship situation for next year.

3. Outdoor Screening update
500-600 for scaff
Scaff guy supposed to come onto campus today to look at site but in meetings all day so left voicemail.
Chadbourne scaff company in cov to be used.
Tom will ring again tomorrow
JC booked van provisionally.
Only problem is number of people – Crowd Control
Get Deloitte to give more banners and use as barriers with .
Recruit random stewards.
James to wear Shrek costume?
Big Posters and trailers for next term.
Green t-shirts soc pay some people pay some?

4. Term 1 in general
Exec look at and comment on schedule.
For ages
Black Gold and Taking Liberties as backup.

Campaigning socs have set up federation to increase overall awareness over campus and asked to be able to show regular films. EH to sort out agreement with them. Terms agreed below:
Hum Fed Agreement =>
We show films anyway, no publicity from them at all only members email.
Stall outside.
Nothing Political inside L3.
Only as social.
Provisionally yes but need to check with Hum Fed exec.

Steph spoke to JC and EH about other socs showing films again.
Steph going to send out email about PBS licence
Need to take harder stance with her.
CANNOT use AV equipment.

This is England as part of British Film Week (BFW)?
Displays yob culture of England. Cause for concern?
Decided no as talked about british film.

CJ and JC to get together list of British films for spare slots in BFW, CJ check with Jay, out of ones left we pick one and others left to voting.

GM to put secret symbol on weekly publicity flyers (Robbie?)
Spot for free film, put UV pen on paper to check proper publicity.

JC to dress up as Robbie.

BFW prize draw.
Michael Caine Boxsets? Talk to Alex.
Tickets to BFF?

Been approached to show free screening of Half Nelson at beginning of Term 1.

Rush Hour 3/Bourne Ultimatum for AllNighter?
Aiming for sellout AllNighter

Simpsons matinee on Sat aimed at staff and family?
4 showings overall.
2 Friday + extra Saturday 7.30pm + Saturday matinee.
VOTE For staff showing and discount. 6 for, 2 abstain

New Chief Proj to be elected on Wednesday week 10.
VOTE for election on Wed 27th June 07 8 for.

Showed Ghost in the Shell 23/05/07 which was one of the films exec had vetoed.
Go to Brian Duggan + obtain evidence dossier.
VOTE to go to duggan about it 7 for, 1 abstain

6. Ratification of Qualifications
Gareth Ward Proj Unanimous
Helen Coe DM Unanimous
Ed Harry Proj Unanimous

7. Society Achievements
2 Sellouts.
Increase in attendance figures.
JC wrote notes on soc achievements to send to Stef.

8. AOB
NEW RECORD GM has no AOBs, JM has 3.
Illusionist and Ghost Rider. All members email.

Poster Cabinet in Union North needs termly poster. GM to do asap.

Email Japan Soc about Iwo Jima.

Following up on email on exec listings Comp Soc people came to HF as social.
JM knew they were there and who they were if you knew what he means

Andrew written news article about sellout shows, on news editing
Look and put up.

End of Exec meeting @ 8.40

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