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DM Meeting @ 2017-01-12 18:10:00

Meeting started at: 6.10 pm

1. Welcome and apologies
Present: Matt, Richard, Alex, Angela, Mike LG, Jess, Justin, Caleb, Casper, Iain.
Apologies: Anjana, Chris, Giles.

2. Rotas


Week 1: Saturday (late) - Mike


Week 1: Friday (early) – Iain
Week 2: Thursday –
Stewards for Friday (late) – Mike and Richard both can sign up if needed

3. AOBs
a) Reminder about complaints procedure. The official procedure for a complaint at a show is to give the customer an email address where they can give a written complaint (info@warwick.film or chiefdm@warwick.film). The complaint will then be discussed at executive level (with feedback from DM of the show where complaint was made). Never give out refunds to complaining customers on the night of the show or offer a free ticket. The executive will decide on whether a customer is given a refund or a free ticket.
b) Please get stewards to sell more memberships.
c) Remember to keep changing the A4 poster in the frame on publicity table. There is also a frame advertising socials.
d) If weekly publicity is low, please let Richard (Publicity Officer) know so more can be printed.
e) Please hand out A2 posters (schedule poster) at the end of every show for first two weeks of term. There is a box of folded A2s in the office.
f) Boars will not be handed out at end of shows this term.
g) Elections are this term (week 5). If you are interested please talk to the member of the exec currently in the role. There will be the meet the exec meeting in week 3 where more information on exec will be given
h) A Doodle poll will be sent out to find the best day for DM meetings.
i) Safe code has been changed for the new term. DMs at the meeting have been informed. If you need the code please ask Matt (Chief DM).

Meeting ended at 6.35 pm

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