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DM Meeting @ 2016-10-06 18:15:00

Meeting started at: 6.15 pm

1. Welcome and apologies
Present: Matt, Anjana, Richard, Alex, Mike LG, Mike Joy, Angela.
Apologies: Jess, Chris.

2. Rotas
Week 2:
Ran (Thursday 13th) Needs a QDM – Angela can do this if nobody signs up before then.
X-Men LATE (Friday 14th) Needs a QDM
Plenty of TDM places available in next few weeks.
Stewarding: Friday and Saturday shows this week need stewards.

3. Pricing
WSC have increased its prices. The new prices are as follows:
Membership: £3.50 (Inc. 1 free film)
Members Ticket: £3
Non-Members Ticket: £4
Externals: £4.50
Latecomers: £5
Make sure you remember these new prices and carefully explain them to stewards when DMing a show.

3. AOBs
a)POS is not recognising people who have bought our memberships. Joel has looked at the problem and hopefully found a solution to the problem. If the problem still continues, you can check membership using POS, or if that fails, ask the customers for the email receipt for the membership on their phone. If they have bought the membership, DM override to check how many shows the customer has been to, and then either give them a members free tickets if it’s their first film or a member’s ticket.
The system should remember customers who have claimed their member’s free ticket.
b)The getting involved meeting is on Saturday (8th October). It would be great to have DMs there to answer any questions freshers may have about Front of House.
After the meeting, lots of trainee stewards are expected to be signing up on the rotas from week 2 onwards. Make sure you are familiar in how to train a steward. Also be welcoming and friendly to the new stewards and hopefully that can encourage stewards to get even more involved with the society.
c)The aim for the DM team this term is to get new trainee Duty Managers. Please keep an eye out for any good, dedicated stewards from the new freshers. It would be preferable if the new trainees were freshers (2nd year of 4 year course is also okay). At least 4 new TDMs could start this term. CDM will send an email to stewards about applying for Duty Manager Role in the next few weeks.
d)Ruby Chohan will no longer be continuing with DMing training. Currently Rafael Laurois is the only TDM.
e)Get stewards to try and push selling memberships. We want to sell as many as we can. Also make sure to tell stewards to print show reports. From shows so far, stewards have forgotten to do this.
f)Remember to change the A4 poster (advertising the next screening) in the photo frame on the publicity table. All the posters can be found in the publicity folder.
g)NDMs must do at least 3 shows this term before they can be fully qualified.
h)Matt has changed the safe code. DMs at the meeting have been informed. Contact Matt if you need this code and weren’t at the meeting.
i)DM keys can be collected for either Chris or Anjana.
j)Matt will set up a Doodle poll to find an appropriate time for DM meetings this term.
k)Remember to buy WSC membership on the SU website. CDM will check if everyone has bought it.
l)Make sure stewards realise the new plastic £5 can be accepted. It’s not monopoly money.
m)If publicity is ever low, please be helpful and let Richard know and he can replenish the publicity.

Meeting ended at 6.34 pm

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