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Exec Meeting @ 2016-10-08 11:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Saturday 8th October (Term 1 Week 1)


H0.44, Humanities

Present: Chris Greenland (President; chair), Anjana Radhakrishnan (Vice-President; minutes), Lakshmi Ajay (Chief Projectionist), Alex Holmes (Treasurer), Matthew Williams (Chief Duty Manager), Phil Beckett (Events and Socials Coordinator), Richard Kirk (Publicity Officer) and Joel Speed (IT Officer; present for end of point 7).

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Hannah Freeman (Marketing Officer), Jacek Kopanski (Films Officer) and Dom Lam (Chief Editor).

2. Getting Involved Meeting
Team leaders are required to make a speech to give more information regarding getting involved with the society. Dominos has been ordered for after the meeting (3.30PM): 8 cheese and tomato, 6 pepperoni and 6 barbeque and chicken.

3. Pub Quiz
Reece has kindly prepared a quiz for us and printed out all the answer sheets. Phil has been emailed all the questions and answers. A signed poster is the prize for the bonus round, rest of the prizes need to be bought. A budget of £50 was decided for the prizes.

4. FilmSoc Awards
Richard proposed the idea of having ‘FilmSoc Awards’. Those present at the meeting discussed how formal or informal the event should be. The general consensus seems to be that we should start off small, but it is worth trying out.

5. Sponsorship
Pricing needs to be discussed and decided on the packs. Chris, Alex H and Anjana will be meeting to discuss this and propose a plan to the exec at the next exec meeting.

This will be decided on an exec email thread.

7. AOB
i) Reece has left a note and package as an AOB. It was a box of chocolates.
ii) Lakshmi requested that we all keep an eye out for potential projectionists, the same applies for DMs.
iii) Phil has decided to step down from the role of Events and Socials Coordinator. A replacement needs to be found for this role. It was proposed that we send out an email to crew to gauge the interest. We can hold an election if there is sufficient interest shown to warrant one.
iv) Possible socials were discussed for the next few weeks.
v) Chris mentioned a few collaborations that we have planned: there will be a joint social with Jane Austen society on Sunday at the end of week 4. Warwick for Women International would like us to have a special screening on a Wednesday, we are waiting to hear from Film Bank. We also have a collaboration with PRIDE coming up in week 7.
vi) Richard recommended that we speak to the Societies Officer to send out an email to everyone suggesting that if they would like to collaborate with us in Term 2, they should contact us soon.
vii) A programming meeting needs to be arranged.
viii) Print Happy have offered us a few options as compensation. Prices of the various options need to be looked up, and an option decided.
ix) Joel needs money for servers as they are dying.

Meeting ended at: 13:00

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