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Exec Meeting @ 2016-06-26 14:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Sunday 26th June (Term 3 Week 10)


H0.05, Humanities

Present: Jonatan Benarroch (outgoing President; chair), Chris Greenland (President elect), Anjana Radhakrishnan (Vice-President; minutes), Hannah Freeman (Marketing Officer), Matt Williams (Chief Duty Manager), Joel Speed (IT Officer), Dom Lam (Chief Editor), Richard Kirk (Publicity Officer elect), Phil Beckett (Events and Socials Coordinator; points 2-8) and Alex Holmes (Treasurer; points 2-8).

Also Present: Jess Carroll and Joseph Lacey

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Lakshmi Ajay (Chief Projectionist) and Reece Goodall (outgoing Publicity Officer).

2. Arts Centre Cinema
Ideas mentioned during the meeting with Johnathan and Selena were discussed.

3. Big Screening
Polos should be arriving tomorrow (Monday). Publicity for the Big Screening needs to be printed. A publicity run will take place tomorrow at 3pm and also at 12pm on Tuesday. Back up plans were discussed in case of poor weather. Gingerbread men and icing will also be bought.
There will be a ‘post/tweet a photo with Farquaad’ competition, with those entering having a chance of winning free tickets for next years films.

4. Pricing
The plan for changes created by Jonatan, Alex H and Anjana were presented to the rest of the exec. The exec present unanimously voted to implement the changes proposed, which will be implemented for the next academic year (2016-17).

5. Sponsorship Pack
The pack is still being constructed. Prices need to be decided and discussed, along with division of the bronze, silver and gold pack.

6. Exec Handover
Jonatan and Chris have gone through the handover. Richard has been speaking to Reece as well.

This will be decided on an exec email thread.

8. AOB
i) Jonathan asked members of the exec how busy they were going to be over the next two weeks, to see who can help with sponsorship.
ii) The idea of FilmSoc awards was proposed, where we could book a room off campus and have our own awards to highlight the contributions and achievements of the society and its members.
iii) There is an Alton Towers trip on Thursday – transport and tickets were discussed.
iv) Ideas to help present ourselves more as a society rather than just a business were suggested, such as backstage passes and classes in using Photoshop and so on.
v) A second ‘Getting Involved’ meeting for the next academic year was suggested – early in Term 2, to encourage more participation.
vi) Reece suggested we try to do another live performance during the next academic year, collaborating with another society.
vii) It was suggested that we have a small group of exec members working on different projects, perhaps also including other crew and members, to help make us more efficient and productive. It can also help increase participation and involvement from our members by getting them involved too.
viii) Big video project – we will need more time to plan this and record the footage and put it together. The plan is to get it ready in Autumn term.
ix) The booklet was discussed. Dom will begin looking into it.

Meeting ended at: 16.10

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