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Exec Meeting @ 2016-05-28 15:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Saturday 28th May (Term 3 Week 5)


H0.05, Humanities

Present: Jonatan Benarroch (President; chair), Anjana Radhakrishnan (Vice-President; minutes), Alex Holmes (Treasurer), Matt Williams (Chief Duty Manager), Joel Speed (IT Officer), Reece Goodall (Publicity Officer), Dom Lam (Chief Editor), Phil Beckett (Events and Socials Coordinator; points 2, 4-8) and Lakshmi Ajay (Chief Projectionist; points 4-8).

Also Present: Chris Greenland, Lauren Howard and Richard Kirk

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from and Alex Pointon (Technical Officer), Jacek Kopanski (Films Officer) and Hannah Freeman (Marketing Officer).

2. LOTR Limited Edition Tickets
Proposal: For those who paid for a pack but didn’t receive anything, we will be giving them a full refund and add a free ticket onto EPOS to be claimed at any of our normal screenings. This was unanimously approved by the exec. Someone needs to speak to the SU regarding the refunding procedure, and those affected need to be emailed to let them know when this has been resolved.

3. Big Screening
Reece has created a design for the polos and it was discussed if we subsidise the cost for crew – Alex H will be looking into getting an estimation for the prices before exec vote via an email thread.

Hannah is working on sending our Shrek trailer to the Big Screen and people in charge of the SU screens to advertise our event. Richard will be looking into prices for A5 or A6 leaflets to use as publicity and Reece will create the design. Lauren suggested we have a poll on Facebook to further investigate how much we should charge for a polo and if it will be feasible.

Richard suggested making a snapchat filter for the society for Shrek. This needs to be looked into – we could get to do this for free as a ‘community’. Reece is working on creating a giant Farquaad head. We could make another face-board for Shrek – Richard has volunteered to look into this. Other ideas mentioned were a ‘pin-a-tail on donkey’ board and handing out gingerbread. There is a Shrek costume on Amazon for £40-50 if we would like to look into getting one – Richard has volunteered to wear it on the day.

4. Pricing
It was proposed we nullify the vote passed by the previous exec regarding altering prices of tickets AND Jonatan, Alex H and Anjana will come up with a plan before the next exec meeting regarding prices. This was unanimously approved by the exec.

5. Sponsorship
We have a working draft of a sponsorship pack. The pricing needs to be discussed. Other ideas have been suggested such as ranking items between numbers, 1-50, for example, so we can scale the prices depending on the size of the company (or their budget, if known) we approach regarding sponsorship. This will be looked into by various members of crew and exec.

This will be decided on an exec email thread – preferably before Publicity Officer election towards the end of term.

7. AOB
i) Remember we will be holding Publicity Officer elections week 9. A few people have shown interest in running for this role.
ii) Imogen and Chris need were unanimously ratified as DMs.
iii) It was proposed we nullify a vote passed by the exec to allow Joel to spend £1200 on a set of laptops for Front of House. This was unanimously approved by the exec because it was out of date, and our situation has changed.
iv) Joel needs to buy new hard drives as the one in tristar are failing – he’ll tell us more when he knows.

Meeting ended at: 17.02

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