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Exec Meeting @ 2016-02-17 17:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Wednesday 17th February (Term 2 Week 6)


H1.48, Humanities

Present:, Jonatan Benarroch (Films Officer; President elect; chair), Anjana Radhakrishnan (Chief Duty Manager; Vice-President elect; minutes), Joe Lacey (Events and Socials Coordinator), Joel Speed (IT officer), Dominic Lam (Chief Editor elect), Richard Kirk (Marketing Officer), Hannah Freeman (Marketing Officer elect), Giles Hutchings (Treasurer), Reece Goodall (Vice-President), Alex Holmes (Treasurer elect), Matt Williams (Chief Duty Manager elect), Lorraine Li (President), Phil Beckett (Chief Projectionist; Events and Socials Coordinator elect) and Lakshmi Ajay (Chief Projectionist elect).

In attendance: Jess Carroll

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Emma Smith (outgoing Publicity Officer), Jacek Kopanski (Films Officer elect), Lauren Howard (Chief Editor) and Alex Pointon (Technical Officer).

2. Tech/Publicity Officer
These two executive positions were not successfully filled at the elections last week. Alex P was unanimously co-opted as Technical Officer, as was Reece for the position of Publicity Officer. There may be a further election in term 3 for the role of Publicity Officer.

3. Handover Progress
Chief Editor handover is due to take place next week. Films Officer handover needs to be rearranged. All other handovers are complete.

Joel has instructions on how to set up aliases on Gmail (to send emails from your exec email address). Please speak to him about this if you need help.

4. LOTR AllNighter
Anyone signed up as crew (as projectionists, DMs, stewards) must attend the briefing at 6.30pm on the day, in L3. Prizes have been bought for the raffle. Exec handover and the raffle will take place at the end of the first film. There will be a meal before and after the event and also a crew pizza order during the night, which will be subsidised to £5 per pizza (or person).

The system that the SU are using for our AllNighter tickets is resulting in some ticket options coming up as sold-out. In future, exec should consider sending in two forms: one for extended editions and one for normal tickets. The limits for each ticket can be changed by emailing Meg or Marcus (they live in the SU Resources Room). If anyone contacts you saying they are unable to buy a ticket, consult with Marketing.

5. Special Screenings: L’Eclisse, Dude Bro Party Massacre 3 and Steamboat Bill Jr.
They are a bit overshadowed by the LoTR AllNighter. Options were considered to help increase awareness of these events such as additional publicity and using social media to spread the word.

6. The Hunting Ground
This is a collaboration with the SU for International Women’s Week (week 9, Wednesday). Options for funding this were discussed, as it would be a substantial cost to the society for a single film. Another society may be doing a screening of the film, so Chloe Wynne (current Women’s Officer) is looking into the arrangement they have and may use that to help us. Options need to be discussed for this event.

7. Sponsorship Pack
A list was made last year with contacts we could approach regarding sponsorship which will be shared with other members of the exec. If you are aware of any recent graduates in good positions of companies do consider approaching them about sponsorship for the next academic year, or for one off events such as a Big/Outdoor screening. We will not be adding prices in the sponsorship pack this time to make it more of a negotiation process. Please be aware that the SU does have a list of companies they do not appreciate societies affiliating with. A new sponsorship pack will be created, previous versions may be consulted. Please be responsive to emails as this needs discussing.

8. Big Screening
We will not be doing an Outdoor Screening this year due to lack of a field. Seating options were discussed for the Big Screening on the Piazza, as the SU will no longer be permitting the use of the white plastic seats. Choice of film was also discussed, and the films mentioned were: Mary Poppins, The Wizard of Oz, Shrek, Finding Nemo, The Lego Movie, Dragonheart and The Lion King. Collaborating with another society was also discussed.

9. Time and date of next meeting
This will be decided on an exec thread.

10. AOB
i) A couple of psychology students are trying to encourage car-share at Warwick. They would like to do a selfie competition with WSC to give them 5 free tickets as a prize in exchange for our logo on their posters and Facebook page. The Exec agreed on this.
ii) Jonatan was unanimously ratified as a 35mm projectionist.
iii) All exec members are expected to participate in publicity runs. A crew email will also be sent to encourage wider participation.
iv) No one that was present in the exec meeting, that will be here next academic year, is a qualified first aider.
v) All members of the new exec will be added as editors of the WSC Facebook page. VP and Events and Socials Coordinator will be added as moderators, President and Marketing officer will be admins of the page. The page will receive messages, please do not reply to this until the Marketing Officer (and also President) has had time to reply (give at least 24 hours).
vi) Quite a few organisations have approached us regarding fundraising before our films. A google doc has been created to coordinate this, and please try to take photographs of them fundraising to add to our portfolio.
vii) New exec members please upload a photo to your profile on the FilmSoc page. You have until the night of the AllNighter, after which Joel will be uploading a photo of his choice.
viii) Joel would like to include a short video, for charitable purposes, in the pre-film playlist. Exec were happy for this to be arranged.
ix) If you cannot make it to a social, please remove yourself from the event. All future socials will be listed in the ‘Socials’ tab on the website.
x) Cinema For All membership needs to be renewed. Lorraine needs to pass the form to Jonatan.
xi) All new exec members please inform Alex H of your preference for your name (and year if you have been in that role more than once).
xii) Alex H suggested asking TDMs to return their blank polos after they qualify. A vote was held, and it was decided that they get to keep the blank polo. (For: 1, Against: 10, Abstain: 3)
xiii) Societies Awards was discussed, and exec members are encouraged to go as this can be a great evening!
xiv) Richard was contacted by someone organising a Warwick University Year Book. We have been invited to volunteer two members of the current exec to be contacted by them.
xv) Jonatan, Reece, Richard and Lorraine were nominated for Lifetime Crew status. Reece was offered this following a unanimous vote, and the status was offered to Jonatan, Richard and Lorraine, who received one abstention each.

Meeting ended at: 19.22

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