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DM Meeting @ 2016-02-16 00:00:00

Meeting started at: 6.10 pm

1. Welcome and apologies
Present: Matt, Anjana, Lorraine, Giles, Jess, Richard, Alex, Imogen.
Apologies: Lauren.

2. Rotas
All DM slots are taken for at least the next week.

3. Lord of the Rings All-Nighter
The following DMs will be present during the films

Fellowship of the Ring: Anjana, Matt, Richard, Lorraine, Alex
Two Towers: Richard, Alex, Matt
Return of the King: Anjana, Richard, Alex, Matt

QDMs not named above, who will be at the AllNighter, let me know your preference.

4. AOBs

a) First Aiders are needed for next year. None of the DMs present at this meeting who will be here next year are first aid trained. DMs not at the meeting who are first aid trained and here next year, please let either Matt or Jonatan know.
b) Three new laptops have been set up as tills. These new tills will now open EPOS and POS automatically when started up. This means that the laptops should be shut down for every show.
c) The Ethernet cables are not needed for the new tills.
d) Joel will update these new tills in a few weeks’ time. If there are any problems with the new tills before then, there are two spares kept in the office on top of the safe. If they are not on the safe they may be in the proj box. However, if you use Joel’s laptop the two Ethernet cables will have to be used.
Joel might be getting some new laptops soon so we will have more spares.
e) The bent printer cable has now been replaced with a black printer cable.
f) When you have new stewards on doors, make it clear that they should only let people through the one door.
g) DMs of early shows should let the next DM know the till difference of the first show. This could be to leave a note with the money from the first show.
h) The current safe code will remain for the rest of this term.
i) Still keep pushing LOTR tickets. All tickets are still available apart from external limited edition tickets and there are a limited amount of external standard tickets.
j) When a bad university ID comes up on EPOS, the university card number should be noted and passed on to support@warwick.film to look at.

Meeting ended at 6.30 pm

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