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DM Meeting @ 2016-01-21 18:10:00

Meeting started at: 6.10 pm

1. Welcome and apologies

Present: Anjana, Alex, Giles, Matt, Lauren, Richard, Imogen (Reece)

Apologies: Jess

2. Rotas

They are looking good – still a lot of TDM spots available!

3. Pyjama Party All-Nighter

Those who said they will be there: Anjana, Matt, Alex, Lauren, Jess, Lorraine, Imogen and Richard.

Please let Anjana know whether you can make it or not.

A rota will be created, and DMs present are expected to sign up. Every show needs to be covered by at least one DM.

4. AOBs

a) Please make sure there are at least £10 worth of 50ps in each float, even if that means almost £20 worth of 50ps in each.

b) As a reminder, nominations are open for the Exec election which is in week 5. There is a ‘Meet the Exec’ meeting in week 3. Those interested in any position are encouraged to approach the relevant member of Exec.

c) Till issue: If you try to print crew and crew guest at the same time, it sometimes doesn’t print the crew guest ticket. Please be wary.

d) The USB connecting the printer to the laptop (at the laptop end) is VERY bent on the slave (not the HP). This has been in that state for a while now, but please be aware. It doesn’t appear to be causing problems at the moment.

e) DMs meeting will go back to being on Tuesdays, as attendance was not significantly improved when moved to Thursday.

f) Since DMs interact with crews the most, we should push elections with stewards more.

g) Andy mentioned: Quite a lot of people who know crew are just coming on their own and asking for their crew guest. Should the rules on this be changed? This is a matter for the executive committee, and will be brought up in the next Exec meeting.

h) The slave that was giving a problem with a non-genuine copy of windows has been fixed.

i) Please push the upcoming events (such as the Pyjama Party AllNighter, Pop! social, Valentine’s Day social, Meet the Exec, Exec Elections, LoTR AllNighter, pub quiz).

Meeting ended at 6.35 pm

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