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Exec Meeting @ 2015-11-05 16:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Thursday 5th November (Term 1, Week 5)


Rootes Flexigrid, Rootes Building

Present: Jonatan Benarroch (Films Officer), Reece Goodall (Vice-President; minutes), Giles Hutchings (Treasurer), Richard Kirk (Marketing Officer), Joe Lacey (Events & Socials Coordinator, from item 4), Lorraine Li (President; chair), Anjana Radhakrishnan (Chief Duty Manager), Emma Smith (Publicity Officer), Joel Speed (IT Officer)

In attendance: Alex Holmes

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Phil Beckett (Chief Projectionist).

2. Allnighter
Tickets are now on sale, and Richard asked that everybody pushes the event on Facebook. The timings will be finalised by the end of the week, and slides will be made – there will be a quiz, quiz results/qualifications and the pre-mystery reel between films 1-2, 2-3 and 3-4 respectively. Prizes for the quiz will be bought, with a budget of £30.

3. Chief Editor
There was a unanimous vote to keep the role, with the following amendments. The Chief Editor will have access to the publicity mailing list, and the power to moderate it. They will also be in charge of uploading reviews to the website. The discussion concluded with a unanimous vote that Lauren Howard be co-opted into the position for the remainder of this exec term.

4. Events & Socials Coordinator
There was a unanimous vote to keep the role. It was suggested that a dual handover is included, likely between the President, the Events & Socials Coordinator and their successor, and that the role be better defined – thought will be applied to this before the next AGM. It was also suggested that there could be more variety to socials, with circling suggested as a possibility. During the discussion, it was suggested that there could be a list of exec responsibilities for all events – Reece agreed to work on it.

5. RaW
The society now has a radio show, broadcasting at 8:00 on Friday morning and hosted by Lorraine, Jonatan and Reece. The show will discuss the previous and next week’s films and more. Lorraine invited everyone to listen in, and outlined plans for each team leader (and other crew members) to come on and discuss getting involved.

6. F-Rated
An F-rating is given to films with strong female credentials – the exec was happy for the rating to be attached to reviews on the website, in exchange for some publicity from this company.

7. Elf
A group called Bar Pro Bono have been in touch, asking for a charity donation taken from the ticket sales for Elf. There was reluctance to just give money away, considering the cost of tickets for regular shows is quite low. Lorraine will extend an offer for them to come and fundraise at the show.

8. Elections
Exec elections will be held in term 2, Wednesday week 5, with a time to be decided later. There will be a ‘meet the exec’ event in week 3, again to be sorted closely to the time.

9. Time and date of next meeting
The next meeting will provisionally be held at 16:00 on Thursday, week 6.

10. AOB
i) Jonatan asked for ideas about making Casablanca a BFI Season of Love film – he and Joe will sort it out.
ii) There was a call for the schedule to be finished soon in order to start on publicity.
iii) A steward suggested to Lorraine that the printed publicity on the door may not be useful – it was discussed by the exec, who decided to keep it.
iv) There was a call to chase up first aiders in the society.
v) The suggestion was made to move midnight films to Saturday.
vi) A suggestion was also made to hold two Allnighters in the spring term – the subject will be broached again when some suggestions are made as to which films could be screened (opinion favoured an Allnighter of classics).
vii) Jonatan has been talking with Warwick Pride regarding a collaboration on Tangerine next term, with a safe space seminar-type event to take place afterwards – the exec were in favour of this.
viii) Richard asked that people don’t respond to messages on the WSC Facebook, and to ensure they are not posting as it by mistake.
ix) Reece mentioned that he was in talks with Warwick TV regarding collaboration.
x) Reece read a postcard from Allie, designed to end the meeting on a high – she’s moving house, and has too much stuff.

Meeting ended at 17:38.

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