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Exec Meeting @ 2007-05-10 18:00:00

Exec Meeting 10/05/07

1. Welcome and Apologies 18.15

James C, Tim D, George M, Helen C, Claire J, Tom Hunns, James M, Eleanor H

Maria S unable to reach by phone.

Apologies from Rob that he was unable to attend but had sent JC a page and a half email. Note point 8 of which suggested updates from all exec members as to what has gone on since last meeting.

JC – Task force set up and discussion took place this afternoon. Details to follow.
EH – organised end of term meal, High Wycombe social and Pizza Express socials and quasar to come.
TD – new mailing list!
GM – designed publicity for this term, distributed all around campus except Redfern, Hurst + Tocil. Trying to get editors to get more experience. 2 new reviewers
HC – signing stuff, lots of new invoices
CJ – got a proposed schedule for Term 1, met John Gore, needs to mass mail out EPM.
TM – looking at buying lots of new stuff mainly proj
JM – 3 DM meetings, new steward.

2. Outdoor Screening Update
Discussed technical that afternoon => need to plan and research costs
£1050 + VAT invoiced so far.
Contingency plan for rain. L3?
JC is meeting WSAF tomorrow

3. EPM arrangement
Next Wednesday 4pm CJ to send out mass ASAP

Publicity Meeting Monday Week 5.
Problem of Timings, During or After Proj?
Want to lure people with pizza. Problem of how to charge it? Helen to ask Rob.
Decided 6.30pm

Maria came in at 6.43 having been in labs and unable to leave earlier. Commented on nice TV.

5. Forum Moderation Rules
GM and TD discussing before hols.
How bad does it have to get before moderation?
Report to send to president listings and tell us but keep moderation.
Tim to look into moving posts to exec forum.

Vote Unanimous

6. Permissions on website to be amended
GM wants to be able to add/edit galleries.
TD to work out who have what permissions and email to exec to discuss.

7. Ask the Exec page on forum/website.
GM idea.
Crew Add question to go to exec listings and exec put a reply on.
NOT a discussion just reply to explain.
Q + A

Vote 8 for
1 abstain

8. Sell-Out Shows
At Casino Royal extra 40ish people queing.
Decision took 5 mins in which time sold out.
Not many of the 40 came back on sat for extra screening.
Plan => to DM discretion as to when start to plan another show.
Should have 30-40 over 290 people to warrant another show.
DM to contact MS, GM and JM immediately and exec listings ASAP

Vote Unanimous

7.26 Short Break for GM and TD to help publicity person and TD had to then leave.

7.45 Resume with JM doing crossword and passing round lists of BAFTA and Academy Award winners for Best Picture

4. Triolgy
Agree change films and start time
Agree end at 1.45 to be able to catch buses on fri.
Looking at Film lists need short film about 90 mins long to fit.
Forest Gump 142 mins
Gladiator 155 mins
Full Monty 91 mins
388 mins total

Votes had 8 people
Vote on changing to Full Monty 7 For
1 Abstain

Ticketing policy All on one ticket
Vote Unanimous

JC wants GM to ‘plug that shit’ in reference to Gladiator on the big screen.

Ticket Prices
In essence 3 for 2.
Members £4
Non £6
External Guest £7
Crew Guest £2
Vote Unanimous

Order of films.
Much Debating went on about orders of films

Vote for Full Monty to FINISH 7 for
1 abstain

Vote for Gladiator to START 6 for
1 against
1 abstain

Due to Exec majority order decided as Gladiator, Forest Gump, Full Monty

Vote for Start Time 6.30pm 7 for
1 abstain

Vote for 6.30 both Friday and Sunday 6 for
2 against

9. Next Academic Year
GM suggests British Film Season
This is England, grow your own, magicians, the all-together already thought of.
Suggested This is England and 2 old films (voted on by public?) put on over 1 week to coincide with the BFF

Publicity wise =>GM wants a desk to get people to ‘Get Involved’. Relieves pressure on DMs. GM wants publicity infection to spread.
GM, JC, JM to do speeches before busy shows in first 2 weeks.

Mascot idea from JC. Mate does cartoons for the Boar.
Idea came up with is Robbie the Reel. Slogan being ‘Get real with Robbie’.

Mini videos of what each job entails to be put on website beginning of next term.

For Socs Fair might dress up as different characters.

10. AOB
Planning Ahead! Premature prod up the arse…
Direct Quote from JC “We shan’t mess up Rob, we shan’t”

Alton Towers will be Sat Week 9

Should put Robbie the Reel on the slides to liven them up. Maybe animated?

Meeting ended 8.59

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