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Exec Meeting @ 2015-10-05 17:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Monday 5th October (Term 1, Week 1)


H2.45, Humanities

Present: Phil Beckett (Chief Projectionist), Jonatan Benarroch (Films Officer), Reece Goodall (Vice-President; minutes), Giles Hutchings (Treasurer), Richard Kirk (Marketing Officer), Joe Lacey (Events & Socials Coordinator), Lorraine Li (President; chair), Anjana Radhakrishnan (Chief Duty Manager), Joel Speed (IT Officer)

In attendance: Jess Carroll, Tom Freeman

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Alex Pointon (Technical Officer) and Allie Wyant (Chief Editor).

2. Exec Housekeeping
There was general discussion ensuring that all exec members were aware of their responsibilities and anything they needed to do in the new academic year – it was noted that new people would be recruited onto both the DM and the proj training schemes.

3. Societies Fair
Societies Fair is on Thursday, running from 10-15:00 in the Sports Centre. The President asked those present to sign up to the rotas on the website, and for people involved in set-up to bring over the publicity.

4. Getting Involved Meeting
The meeting will take place on Saturday at 14:00 – all team leaders will be there, and preferably all exec. 20 pizzas will be bought, and we will likely head to the Duck afterwards.

5. Pub Quiz
The quiz will take place on Friday, week 2, at 21:30 – it will be publicised past the getting involved meeting. Joel and Lorraine will head to Costco to buy prizes, with a budget of £45.

6. Time and date of next meeting
The next meeting will take place next week, with a time and date to be decided on an exec thread.

7. AOB
i) The president informed everyone that she would be on RaW as part of a film discussion programme, and invited other exec members to come along.
ii) There is to be an election for the role of Chief Editor sometime after the Getting Involved meeting.
iii) The president took a moment to remind everyone that the society won Best Student Cinema at the Cinema For All awards.
iv) The Films Officer informed everyone of the Student Cinema Conference, to take place on November 14th at Imperial College, London, and invited everyone along.
v) The society has been given Warwick the Bear – there was discussion about where to put him.
vi) Jonatan proposed a film club looking at independent and world cinema, to take place on Sunday afternoon. A trial will take place with crew members only.
vii) A social was suggested, going to a Welsh cave full of trampolines – more details are to be found.
viii) Jonatan suggested that the outdoor screening be considered early, to avoid issues caused by delays last year.
ix) There was a call for people to be invited to Facebook events and socials.
x) There was a vote on changing the society’s domain name to warwick.film – it was passed unanimously.
xi) There was a question raised over increasing prices – it was decided that such a call would have to take place at the start of an academic year.
xii) The First Aider notices in the corridor need updating.
xiii) It was mentioned that the tills are broken and there is an issue with EPOS – Joel is fixing it.
xiv) Richard asked for a vote on which banner to buy – it was unanimously voted to purchase one with a new design.
xv) Lifetime Crew was granted to Oliver Brown, Jorja Ellison, Rachel Keighley, Thomas Purchas, Charlie Roberson and Tom Freeman.
xvi) There was a call for people to get their act together, in a bid to avoid problems in the future.

Meeting ended at 18:44

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