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Exec Meeting @ 2015-06-03 17:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Wednesday 3rd June (Term 3, Week 7)


H0.05, Humanities

Present: Phil Beckett (Chief Projectionist), Jonatan Benarroch (Films Officer), Reece Goodall (Vice-President; minutes), Joe Lacey (Events & Socials Coordinator), Lorraine Li (President; chair), Anjana Radhakrishnan (Chief Duty Manager), Emma Smith (Publicity Officer), Joel Speed (IT Officer), Allie Wyant (Chief Editor)

In attendance: Nicole Avitabile, Oliver Brown, Jess Carroll, Tom Freeman

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Giles Hutchings (Treasurer) and Richard Kirk (Marketing Officer).

2. Outdoor Screening
The film has been confirmed, and the paperwork has all been sorted out. A list of things still to be sorted were discussed (disco balls, Latin and Ballroom, on-the-day safety briefing, uploaded the event to rotas, publicity, RaW, a potential charity collection, costumes, a cut-out and website theming), and people were encouraged to inform exec if they had any ideas about how to promote the event.

3. Membership
The idea of altering the society’s membership to change crew to members, and then establish a film club to enable people to join independently of Socs Fed, was discussed. Points were raised on both sides – it could enable the society to become more close knit, help attract a wider audience and possibly more members and more funds. However, a number of potential problems were raised – the implementation of such a scheme, the issues with branding, whether people could exploit the system and the question of how it could potentially affect sponsorship in the future.
Oliver also mentioned another possibility – taking the society to the SU Entertainment department, ensuring that it is run the same way but under the bracket of entertainment rather than as a society. It was decided that neither option had been looked into enough, and that a plan would need to be drawn up to be presented for the exec to look at – this is to be done by the next exec meeting.

4. Sponsorship
Sponsorship is still being pursued – the exec will be informed when there is any news.

5. Time and date of next meeting
The next meeting will take place in week 9, with the day and time to be confirmed.

6. AOB
i) Lorraine mentioned preparation for the Freshers’ Fair. The publicity team will begin work on confirmation of the schedule. The set-up for the stall will begin nearer to the time.
ii) Allie asked that exec members provide photos for the booklet, and that they help write reviews.
iii) Allie and Emma will organise the outdoor screening polos.
iv) Joel is going to a meeting on Thursday, week 8, about sorting IT things – this may cause the website to be down for a period of time, but he will inform exec if this is the case.
v) Marta Gonzalez and Joe Lacey were unanimously ratified as Projectionists. Faheem Kirefu was ratified as a Duty Manager.

Meeting closed at 18:09

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