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Exec Meeting @ 2015-03-06 17:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Friday 6th March (Term 2, Week 9)


H3.58, Humanities

Present: Phil Beckett (Chief Projectionist), Jonatan Benarroch (Films Officer), Reece Goodall (Vice-President; minutes), Richard Kirk (Marketing Officer), Lorraine Li (President; chair), Alex Pointon (Technical Officer), Anjana Radhakrishnan (Chief Duty Manager; items 1-4), Joel Speed (IT Officer)

In attendance: Oliver Brown, Tom Freeman, Andy Maddison

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Giles Hutchings (Treasurer), Emma Smith (Publicity Officer) and Allie Wyant (Chief Editor).

2. Sponsorship Package
The President reported that she is at work on pursuing sponsorship. It was agreed that it would be a good idea to pursue multiple sponsors, and it was decided to create a flier listing the society’s main selling points in order to send to potential sponsors – this is to be done by Friday week 10 – this will lead to interviews. Questions were also raised as to whether the number of sponsors should be limited, and what sort of difference there should be between the different levels of sponsorship package – these will be discussed on an exec thread.

3. Austerity
Suggestions were made about how the society could save money. It was suggested cutting booklets, and reducing the amount of publicity – the exec were more in favour of the former, and decided to discuss it more when sorting out the Autumn schedule. Cutting a day from the schedule was also suggested – this will be discussed when a provisional autumn schedule is designed. Cutting the sponsored event budget is dependent on what form of sponsorship the society has. Collaboration contracts will be improved, and outstanding debts chased up. Andy informed everyone that the Big Screen had been in touch in search of content, and that WSC should create publicity for them, most likely sending the trailers of upcoming films – the Marketing Officer said that he would sort this out. It was also suggested that the society target staff, sending hard copies of the schedule to departments and organising mentions in staff emails – everyone was in favour of this.

4. Outdoor Screening
The President reported that Tocil Field is being built on, and is therefore out of bounds. The offered suggestions were the Bluebell field (which was too small), the Varsity field (which is too far away and too close to residences) and the Cryfield field (although concern has been raised that the activity would ruin the grass). None of the spaces are viable – the President will email to find out where the Summer Party is to be held, and inform the rest of the exec. It was advised that it would be wise to consider alternative events in the event that a field cannot be found.

5. Time and date of next meeting
The meeting is provisionally scheduled for Sunday, week 0 (the 19th of April).

6. AOB
i) The Publicity Officer asked about what quantity of publicity would be required for summer term. It was agreed to have the same quantity as last year – that is, 2500 A4s, 1000 A2s and 5000 business cards.
ii) Tom asked about showing films for postgraduates during the Easter break – concerns were expressed over being able to staff these screenings and whether there would be an audience to make this viable.
iii) The Technical Officer emphasised that the doors should be open for a film fifteen minutes prior to a screening – the Chief Projectionist and Chief Duty Manager are to inform their respective committees.
iv) The Vice-President suggested working with other media societies and work up a shared publicity deal, asked what we could offer these societies in exchange for publicising WSC. A few suggestions were offered – the discussion will continue on a forum thread.
v) Andy told everyone that MPS would like the cinema to install LANSat, enabling digital films to be sent wirelessly. There is a possibility this could be shared with the Film Studies department – he and the Technical Officer will advise.
Meeting closed at 18:00

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