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Exec Meeting @ 2014-11-07 17:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Friday 7th November 2014 (Term 1, Week 6)


H2.46, Humanities

Present: Oliver Brown (President; chair), Jess Carroll (Films Officer), Bonita Chung (Events and Social Co-ordinator), Jordan Flynn (Publicity Officer), Reece Goodall (Vice-President; minutes), Rachel Keighley (Chief Duty Manager), Richard Kirk (Marketing Officer), Chloë Pugh (Chief Editor), Allie Wyant (Treasurer)

In attendance: Tom Freeman, Joe Lacey

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Alex Pointon (Technical Officer) and Charlie Roberson (Chief Projectionist).

2. Sponsored Event – Food/Drink/Raffle
The President has been in touch with KPMG. The event shall comprise of the film, a short speech and then refreshments. There will be 60 pizzas (20 of margarita, pepperoni and BBQ chicken) at a cost of approximately £420, which the Treasurer will order. There will be alcoholic drinks, which the President will sort with the SU, and juice, which will be bought at Costco by Allie and Rachel - the quantities are as follows: 110 cider, 70 beer, 60 apple juice, 60 orange juice. The exec will arrive at normal time, and Rachel will sort out a team to stay afterwards and help.

3. AllNighter – Ticketing/Tuck Shop/Quiz/Prizes/Running Order/Dinner Before/Breakfast After
The Marketing Officer reported that 250 tickets had gone up online, with 30 kept for on the door and 20 for crew and staff. People will be able to collect tickets on the night, with set-up starting at 18:30. Oliver will advertise among crew and put a message on Facebook. It was decided there will be no tuck shop. A quiz has been written, and will be presented between the second and third films. Prizes will be bought at Costco by the Treasurer. There was a vote regarding the running order, with unanimous agreement that it will be as follows: HTTYD2, Transformers: Age of Extinction, Mean Girls, the Mystery Film, A Million Ways to Die in the West and Speed. There will be a meal at five at Varsity, prior to the event, and a breakfast at Xananas – Bonita will set up a social. There will also be a crew pizza order, subsidized by WSC to £5 per pizza. The President will get in touch with Unicef regarding supporting them as our charity.

4. Tech Update
This item was put on hold due to the absence of the Technical Officer.

5. IT Update
Quark, Photoshop and Adobe need to go on the computers fairly quickly. A provisional copy of the schedule will be sent to the President, who will then forward it onto societies with a view to collaborating.

6. Warwick International Development Society Collaboration
The Films Officer reported that WIDS have been in touch with her, asking about collaboration and subsidies for ‘Fire in the Blood’, a film intended to raise awareness about AIDS. The exec suggested different films dealing with a similar theme – Jess will get back in touch with them and report back.

7. Hoodies
The Treasurer is placing an order for red hoodies – there was a consensus that it would be a good idea to offer navy blue hoodies, with another order to be placed soon.

8. Time and date of next meeting
It was provisionally decided that the next exec meeting will be held on Wednesday, Week 8.

9. AOB
i) Allie suggested a crew secret Santa, with a budget of £5 – this idea was liked, and Allie will send out a crew e-mail.
ii) Rachel asked that the exec give 6 tickets to the Tae Kwon Do pub quiz as prizes – this was also approved.
iii) Joe suggested Filmsoc charity calendars – the idea was liked, with Jordan suggesting the idea of classic film poses and Oliver being very insistent on a naked calendar instead.

Meeting ended at 17:48

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