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Exec Meeting @ 2014-10-03 17:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Friday 3rd October 2014 (Term 1, Week 1)


B2.03, Science Concourse

Present: Oliver Brown (President; chair), Jessica Carroll (Films Officer), Bonita Chung (Events and Socials Co-ordinator), Jordan Flynn (Publicity Officer), Reece Goodall (Vice-President; minutes), Rachel Keighley (Chief Duty Manager; items 1-6), Richard Kirk (Marketing Officer; items 1, 6), Alex Pointon (Technical Officer), Chloë Pugh (Chief Editor), Thomas Purchas (IT Officer), Charlie Roberson (Chief Projectionist; items 1-6), Allie Wyant (Treasurer)

In attendance: Giles Hutchings (items 2-8)

1. Welcome and Apologies
The President welcomed those present and in attendance to the meeting.

2. Film Studies Society
The situation was recapped, and then the floor was open to suggestions on how to proceed with the Film Studies Society. The general consensus was to go to the Student’s Union and make them aware of the situation. A vote was taken regarding the offer made at the previous meeting (f:11, a:1, abs:0), but it was noted that the matter would be discussed further on an exec thread.

3. Pub Quiz
A quiz is written, and all technical considerations have been taken care of. The Marketing Officer will promote the event on social media, and the President will get in touch with the sponsor. Allie, Jordan and Bonita will purchase prizes for first and second (with a budget of approximately £100) and there will be free film tickets for third.

4. Getting Involved Meeting
Most of the exec will be able to attend this event – at 14:00, the five main areas of getting involved will speak, and then people will be able to speak to them. Pizza will arrive at 14:30, with the Treasurer placing the order on the day for 25. Afterwards, everyone will head over to the Duck for a social, and answer any freshers’ questions.

5. Socials
The exec would like a social that would enable freshers to get involved – it was decided to hold a meal at Xananas. A Facebook event will be set up, and an e-mail will be sent out to promote it.

6. Interstellar
Interstellar will be released two days early (Wednesday, week 6) on 35mm for cinemas that use it, and it was suggested the society should look into this. More information is to be found and shared on an exec thread, and the Films Officer will check WSC’s license to ensure it is covered for this kind of event.

7. Time and date of next meeting
The next executive meeting is to be provisionally held on Saturday, week 3, with a time to be confirmed on an exec thread.

8. AOB
i) There was a reminder from the Film Officer to refer collaborations to her, with the Vice-President to continue sorting out an upcoming collaboration with an independent filmmaker.
ii) The Publicity Officer reported issues with banking slips – she will discuss the problem further with the IT Officer at the close of the meeting.
iii) The IT Officer requested exec approval to purchase new cases and hard drives – this will be discussed further on an exec thread when more information can be provided.
iv) The Chief Editor raised the issue of purchasing Indesign for future publicity – the matter will be discussed further on an exec thread.

Meeting ended at 17:58

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