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Exec Meeting @ 2014-09-26 15:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Friday 26th September 2014 (Term 1, Week 0)


L3, Science Concourse

Present: Oliver Brown (President; chair), Jess Carroll (Films Officer), Jordan Flynn (Publicity Officer, items 4-11), Reece Goodall (Vice-President; minutes), Rachel Keighley (Chief Duty Manager), Thomas Purchas (IT Officer, items 2, 8-11), Charlie Roberson (Chief Projectionist), Allie Wyant (Treasurer)

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Richard Kirk (Marketing Officer), Alex Pointon (Technical Officer) and Chloë Pugh (Chief Editor).

2. Tech Report
Sound will need to be sorted out before the term’s first 35mm show (Tuesday, week 3) – next month, WSC will acquire an AP20 (costing approximately £3-4000) and 2 CP500s, as well as a DTS reader, all to improve the cinema’s audio capacity.

3. Finance Report
The society’s account is in good stead – after meeting a number of costs, there will be about £8000 for the society to use. The treasurer will be in touch with the sponsor regarding the funding for the forthcoming academic year.

4. Freshers Fair
It was decided, due to the cost involved, to not take part in the Freshers Fair. Instead, the society will focus its effort on the publicity run.

5. Publicity Run
An e-mail has been sent out to the publicity team and general crew – anyone helping will meet in L3 at 11:00, ready to target halls on Saturday, week 0, with a pizza order during the day. On Sunday. week 0, anyone helping will head to the piazza to distribute A2s.

6. Societies Fair
WSC has been given one day (Thursday, week 1) at the societies fair – an e-mail will be sent to the Societies Officer attempting to get a place on the Wednesday too. The President and Vice-President will arrive at the fair early that day to set up the society’s stall, taking publicity to promote WSC and a laptop to encourage freshers to join the society.

7. Getting Involved Meeting
It was decided the meeting will take place on Saturday, Week 1, at 14:00. All exec will speak about their roles in the society, and then attendees will be able to ask them questions. A pizza order will follow (cheese and tomato, barbeque chicken and pepperoni in the ratio 7:7:6), with everyone heading over to the Duck afterwards for a social.

8. Priorities for the year
The President promoted a closer working relationship with the Student’s Union for the forthcoming academic year. The subject of collaborations was raised – it was suggested that the society change its method and target societies that would match films on the schedule. The Vice-President will e-mail Warwick Careers and Skills regarding a collaboration, following the successful event last year. Finally, it was suggested that the society could target smaller sponsors – this point was put on hold, to be discussed with the full exec.

9. Charity for the year
It was suggested that the society would like to work with a charity this year. The two options suggested were to donate to a single charity, or to work with a charity society and support them. It was decided that the latter option was the better one, with the President to e-mail our sponsor to okay it and the Vice-President to be in touch with the chosen society to start the collaboration.

10. Time and date of next meeting
The next executive meeting is to be provisionally held on Wednesday week 2, at 14:00.

11. AOB
i. The Films Officer reported that she had met with an independent filmmaker regarding a showcase of their work – this would likely take place on Wednesday week 4, lasting approximately 2 hours. The exec was generally in favour, pending more information.
ii. The President reminded the exec about the Societies Convention (Tuesday, week 1).
iii. The President also discussed socials, and choosing some in order to encourage involvement from members. Some suggestions were given – the Events and Socials Co-ordinator will be informed.

Meeting ended at 16:08

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