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DM Meeting @ 2014-05-15 18:00:00

DM meeting minutes:
15/05/2014 (Thursday, Week 4, Term 3), 6pm

Meeting started at: 6:04pm

1. Welcome and apologies:
Present: Rachel, Liam, Kat, James, Oliver, Mike, Richard, Lorraine, Jordan, Harry and Tim.
Also in attendance: Reece (Vice-President), Lauren, Faheem and Giles.

2. Banking slips:
Allie has asked if all DMs could staple the show report receipts to the banking slips correctly (back to back in the middle of the banking slip). Also don’t roll money up in bags, it is fine to leave it flat.

3. Door stops:
We now have door stops. Please look after them and put them back in the DM cupboard after the show.

4. AOBs:
1. Suggestion for new laptop/till from the IT team passed round.
• Oli said he would rather the new tills had a bigger screen.
• Harry believed £400 is too expensive for what we want for a till and that we don’t need a touch screen.
• Oli expressed his concern that the problems with the tablet arose because of its low price.
• Richard is ambivalent towards having a touch screen.
• Mike argued that if it doesn’t add an extra cost it is a useful addition to the laptop.
• Kat believes some stewards like the touch screen.
• Liam and James like the touch screen.
• Tim proposed we should ask the exec to agree upon a price range for the laptops.

2. Liam announced the arrival of the plastic licence cases which are currently living in the DM locker. The key for said locker is in the DM keybox. Liam asked that we keep them there so they don’t get broken in the safe.

3. Kat requested that when we replace the door signs we add one by the hots drink machine by the vending machines. Lots of people seem to use the hot drinks machine before films therefore a sign would warn people that we don’t allow hot drinks into L3. That way they don’t pay and have to throw it away. We also need to buy some new A4/A3 laminates before we print off the signs. We will ask exec about this.

4. Faheem asked about purchasing weighing scales for cashing up for speed and accuracy. Rachel argued that their accuracy is questionable. Harry said they’re too expensive.

5. Jordan asked about the outdoor screening. Oli says it is definitely going ahead.

6. The safe code has now been changed.

7. Liam tidied the office and asked that we keep it clean.

8. Kat reminded Rachel to contact IT about making a member’s free ticket for Non-Stop (Sunday Week 9).

9. Tim requested to DM a final show. He was offered Starred Up by Kat (Friday, Week 9).

10. Kat asked if we would people prefer t-shirts or polo shirts for the outdoor screening. James and Liam would prefer polo shirts. Everyone else prefers t-shirts.

Meeting ended at: 7.02pm

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