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Exec Meeting @ 2014-05-17 15:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Saturday 17th May 2014 (Term 3, Week 4)


Room B2.03, Science Concourse

Present: Oliver Brown (President, chair, minutes 7-8), Reece Goodall (Vice-President, minutes, items 1-6), Rachel Keighley (Chief Duty Manager-elect), Richard Kirk (Marketing Officer), Chloë Pugh (Chief Editor), Thomas Purchas (IT Officer), Allie Wyant (Treasurer),

In attendance: Phil Beckett, Giles Hutchings, Faheem Kirefu, Kat Sroga

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Jess Carroll (Films Officer), Bonita Chung (Events and Socials Co-ordinator), Alex Pointon (Technical Officer) and Charlie Roberson (Chief Projectionist).

2. Changes to quorum
In the Societies Convention earlier this term, a new ruling changed the way quorum is defined for all societies – the effect on WSC is raising quorum from 24 to 150.
There was a discussion of the available options: (i) that the society continues to run as it is and must go to the Societies Committee if any non-quorate elections are run, (ii) reduce membership to just crew, and (iii) allow on-line voting for WSC elections. (iii) was not favoured, nor was (ii) due to the shrinkage of the WSC mailing lists. Also noted was that people like to be members, and that being a large society has many more advantages. It was suggested that food could be offered at elections in order to increase attendance.
However, it was generally agreed to wait for the outcome of the week 9 election for the post of Publicity Officer to decide upon further action. A publicity meeting will be held to draw up interest, and the election will be held before the programming meeting.

3. Outdoor screening
The Technical Officer stated that everything tech-wise is ready for the screening.
Publicity was discussed, and a budget of approximately £200 was set – Kat is to look into it, and report back on an exec thread. Clothing was also discussed: in particular, whether to offer both polos and T-shirts, and the level of subsidy to offer. It was decided to send a crew e-mail, with the result to be decided based on crew feedback, and the subsidy will be decided after talking to the suppliers and confirming a final price for the clothing.

4. WSC Rebrand
The President suggested that the society may want to redesign its logo, although the general consensus was against this, as the current logo reflects WSC’s heritage. This issue will be further discussed at the next publicity meeting, and is to be discussed in collaboration with marketing and IT - an e-mail will be sent out to crew if this is deemed the right course of action.

5. Tills
The Chief Duty Manager-elect reported back from the Front of House committee regarding a proposal for a new till – there were questions about the necessity of touch screens, although it was agreed that they would be useful. The IT Officer was given a budget, and will report back on an exec thread with his recommendations.

6. New Vacuum Cleaner
The Chief Duty Manager asked for £60 to purchase a vacuum cleaner for the exec office. A vote was carried (f:4, a:0, abs:4) and not passed. A second vacuum, costing £38, was proposed and the exec unanimously agreed to buy it. Following this, the IT Officer proposed by a dishwasher for the exec office, but this was unanimously rejected.

7. Time and date of next meeting
The President set the date provisionally as Monday Week 9, with a time to be confirmed.

8. AOB
i) The IT Officer requested that he is informed quickly if there are problems with the EPOS system.
ii) Faheem suggested that the society should have a motto – however, Kat thought the personal nature of WSC is important and this move could make it seem too corporate.
iii) The Treasurer suggested buying WSC onesies – with the exception of the Marketing Officer, all present were against the idea.
iv) Giles informed the exec that he had been updating the WSC wiki, and that any help on this would be appreciated.
v) Kat suggested that there should be official framework regarding bucket collections outside screenings – she suggested limiting the society to five collections a term, and one for each charity. The Marketing Officer suggested a preference for societies that could better promote the society. Furthermore, it was suggested that a list of collaborations be compiled, in order to record how successful each one was.
vi) The Chief Duty Manager suggested showing The Amazing Spiderman 2 on Tuesday of week 10, on the grounds it would be financially successful and beneficial to hold another screening. All present agreed this was a good idea.

Meeting ended at 16:38

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