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Exec Meeting @ 2014-05-01 16:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Thursday 1st May 2014 (Term 3, Week 2)


Room H0.05, Humanities

Present: Oliver Brown (President), Jess Carroll (Films Officer), Reece Goodall (Vice-President, minutes), Richard Kirk (Marketing Officer), Liam McNamara (Chief Duty Manager, items 8-14) , Alex Pointon (Technical Officer), Chloe Pugh (Chief Editor), Thomas Purchas (IT Officer), Charlie Roberson (Chief Projectionist, items 1-7)

In attendance: Harry Austin, Tim Green, Kat Sroga

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Bonita Chung (Events and Socials Co-ordinator) and Allie Wyant (Treasurer).

2. Publicity Run
Due to a lack of publicity being delivered on campus, it was resolved that a publicity run would be held the following day. A message will be placed on social media asking for volunteers, and first-year residences will be targeted.

3. Lifetime Crew
Catherine Allkins, Alina Haddad, Sam Kidman, Georgie Rawson and Kat Sroga were all granted lifetime crew status by unanimous vote.

4. Outdoor Screening
(i) Update
All paperwork is in order, and the society is currently in the process of sorting a projector. There is potential for a 35mm projector, as well as various forms of digital projector. In either situation, the film is confirmed for the event.
(ii) Budget
The budget for the event is aimed to be similar to previous years, depending upon projector costs. A figure will be confirmed soon.
(iii) Advertising/Marketing
The Technical Officer is to look for minion key rings, and WSC will begin to promote the event at its screenings in the two weeks prior to the event. There will also be a publicity run on the day itself, with business cards and fliers to be handed out.
(iv) Clothing
The current options are printed T-shirts, or yellow T-shirts with a minion printed on it – Kat offered to sort this. The issue of subsidisation was raised – the President reported that the society will offer a similar level of subsidy to previous years, i.e., offering T-shirts at a price of approximately £5.

5. Office/Proj Box Lights
The issue of changing the lights in the exec office and proj box was raised – a vote was held, and was void.

6. Pearl and Dean Line
The IT Officer reported that Pearl and Dean will be installing an advert server in order to replace the hard drives.

7. Societies Awards
The society will be nominated for Best Society and Best Film/Media Society, and James McLachlan will be nominated for Outstanding Contribution.

8. FilmSoc Awards
Harry raised the idea of FilmSoc awards, as have been held in previous years, possibly at the end of term meal. The item was delayed by the President, to be discussed further on an exec thread.

9. Programming Meeting
A meeting is to held on Wednesday, Week 9 – the Films Officer will use the forums to discuss the schedule further.

10. Sponsorship
Sponsorship is in the process of being finalised.

11. DM/Proj Ratifications
Jordan Flynn, Rachel Keighley and Lorraine Li were ratified as Duty Managers, and Jonatan Benarroch, Thomas Purchas and Alex Ricou were ratified as projectionists by unanimous vote.

12. Chief DM Elections
An election for the position of Chief Duty Manager is to be held on Thursday, Week 3.

13. Time and date of next meeting
A time and date will be confirmed on the exec threads.

14. AOB
(i) The IT Officer proposed holding a week of £1 films next term as a form of advertising the society. The idea is to be discussed further on an exec thread.
(ii) The President reported that the SU requires the society’s presence at a society analysis event. The President, the Vice-President and the Films Officer are to represent the society.
(iii) The President also reported that the society is required to send representatives to the Societies Committee election on Tuesday, Week 3. The President, the Vice-President and the Treasurer will attend.

Meeting closed at 17:55

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