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Exec Meeting @ 2014-03-09 15:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Sunday 9th March 2014 (Term 2, Week 9)


Room H0.05, Humanities

Present: Oliver Brown (President; chair), Jess Carroll (Films Officer), Reece Goodall (Vice-President; minutes), Richard Kirk (Marketing Officer), Liam McNamara (Chief Duty Manager), Chloë Pugh (Chief Editor), Allie Wyant (Treasurer)

In attendance: Kat Sroga

1. Welcome/Apologies
Apologies were received from Charlie Roberson (Chief Projectionist) and Thomas Purchas (IT Officer). It was noted the meeting was not quorate.

2. Publicity

(i) Temporary/permanent replacement for publicity officer
There are no candidates for publicity officer, so it was discussed to possibly to increase the responsibilities of the Chief Editor, or reduce the amount of publicity required if this is not viable. It was noted there is sufficiently little publicity required currently for Kat and Chloë to cover it all, co-ordinating over term 3 and summer respectively. It was resolved to try and recruit amongst the members, with a meeting in week 8, term 3 and an election in week 1, term 1 provisionally.

(ii) Publicity quantities for Term 3
It was resolved to purchase 2500 A4 posters, 1000 A2s and 5000 business cards, and it was provisionally decided that there would be a publicity run in week 1, term 3. A publicity run for the outdoor screening was also discussed.

3. Sponsorship
It was discussed what to do if KPMG decided not to continue to sponsor the society, or to reduce our sponsorship money – whether the society should attempt to find another main sponsor, or multiple smaller ones. The President is to get in touch with KPMG and discuss continuing sponsorship, and then discussion will be continued on the mailing lists, as this is an ongoing problem.

4. Outdoor screening
The question of food for the outdoor screening was raised, as food outlets have been in touch with the society – it was decided that either WSC should provide the food itself, or the society should ask Warwick Retail if they can provide food. The President resolved to do this.

5. Keys
It was proposed the Marketing Officer should have a dual key. A partial vote was held (7 for) and the end result is to be decided on the mailing list.

6. Additional Wolf of Wall Street
Due to this film’s success, it was proposed that another screening could be held – this is to occur on Friday, week 10. The President will e-mail members and crew to inform them and the Films Officer will sort out a KDM. The Vice-President is to inform the projection committee, and the Chief Duty Manager resolved to find a Duty Manager for this screening.

7. Lifetime crew status
This was delayed by the President until the next meeting due to lack of quoracy.

8. Time and date of next meeting
The next executive meeting will provisionally be held on Saturday Week 1, to be decided on the mailing list.

9. AOB
(i) The Chief Duty Manager reported that the Front of House committee believe the best course of action for FoH is to purchase three new laptops, and to retain the tablet for future use. This is to be discussed further at the next meeting.

(ii) The President and the Treasurer are to check the accounts and ensure all charity donations have been sent off.

Meeting closed at 16:06.

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