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Exec Meeting @ 2014-02-19 17:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Wednesday 19th February 2014 (Term 2, Week 7)


Room S0.52, Social Sciences

Present: Catherine Allkins (Treasurer, items 1-6), Harry Austin (Films Officer), Oliver Brown (President elect; Chair), Bonita Chung (Events and Socials Coordinator elect, items 1-6), Reece Goodall (Vice-President elect; minutes), Richard Kirk (Marketing Officer elect), James McLachlan (Vice-President), Liam McNamara (Chief Duty Manager, items 2-16), Alex Pointon (Technical Officer), Chloë Pugh (Chief Editor elect, items 13, 16), Thomas Purchas (IT Officer), Georgie Rawson (Chief Projectionist, items 2-16), Charlie Roberson (Chief Projectionist elect), Kat Sroga (President), Allie Wyant (Treasurer elect)

1. Welcome from the Chair and apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Jess Carroll (Films Officer elect) and Sam Kidman (Marketing Officer).

2. Night of Nolan

(i) Food/Drink It was noted that a budget of £30 had been set aside for crew food and drink, and Allie, Harry and Tom agreed to purchase the food that evening.

(ii) Charity on the night It was agreed that the charity Micro-Tyco could set up a stall outside L3. However, there were objections to charities being present at every screening, and it was decided that all charity requests should be brought before the Executive.

(iii) Quiz/prizes Bonita agreed to write a quiz, to be posted to an exec thread as soon as possible. It was decided that food hampers would serve as prizes, with a budget of £50 for three (first, second and third) – the food will be bought by Oliver, Bonita and Harry.

3. Handover progress

The handovers for Vice-President, Films Officer, Chief Projectionist, Marketing Officer and Chief Editor are all concluded. The handovers for President, Treasurer and Events and Socials Coordinator are mostly done, with only a few minor details left to resolve.

4. Unfilled exec positions

Liam reported that there will hopefully be two new qualified Duty Managers soon, and both of them are interested in the role. Kat, on behalf of the Publicity Officer, reported that two people have expressed interest in the role of Publicity Officer.
It was provisionally decided to hold elections in week 10 of this term.

5. Outdoor screening

The President elect reported that Tocil field is provisionally booked for Wednesday 25th of June. The Films Officer offered a list of potential films – it was voted (13 for, 1 against) that the film will be Despicable Me.
The Technical Officer reported that the society is able to hire a digital projector for a similar cost to transporting the 35mm projector, and preference was expressed for this option – however, more information is required.
There were proposals to speak to Warwick Food and Drink, and possibly the SU, regarding catering for the event – Bonita offered to do this. It was also proposed that WSC get in touch with RaW to publicise the event – Richard and Allie offered to do this.

6. Potential members’ free event

The idea was proposed that the society could potentially hold the Audience Choice film as a members’ free event if WSC won £250 from a Students’ Union survey – the President asked that this be postponed until the results of this survey were announced.

7. Keys

It was voted unanimously that the Chief Editor and the Events and Socials Coordinator should receive an exec office key, and that the Publicity Officer should receive a corridor key and a dual key for printer access. It was also voted (10 in favour, 2 abstentions) that the IT Officer should receive the safe code, for reasons of access to the tablet.

8. Conditions for Collaborations

Referring to the previously composed terms, the contentious issue was part c) – that other societies pay the entire cost of the film, and then WSC allows them to dictate terms – WSC provides the service only. It was agreed that there could not be a single mould for this situation, and so agreed to consider each on a case-by-case basis.
It was decided by the SU that the event organisers would not be given free tickets, as this offers a bias towards other execs.
Finally, it was decided that if member’s free tickets are given on the night and WSC are splitting the surplus/deficit with another society, the £3.50 membership fee is to be taken into account.

9. Communication

(i) Email/Phone contact details on website The new exec are to update their details and ensure that they have a picture for the website.

(ii) Mailing Lists Everyone is to ensure they are signed up to the correct mailing lists.

(iii) Forum Accounts The IT Officer reported that issues with the forums have been sorted out, and a crew e-mail is to be sent out to inform crew this is the case, and invite them to join if they wish.

(iv) Charity discussion Charities are to be brought before exec on a case-by-case basis, as agreed earlier.

10. Tablet/Tills

A decision is to be made by the Front of House committee regarding the use of the tablet, and whether they wish to buy any more.

11. Tech Purchases

It was noted that the society requires more coloured paper for publicity purposes.
The Technical Officer requested that some money (approximately £105) could be used to purchase some new audio leads, coloured paper, laminated paper and cables. It was voted unanimously in favour that this be done.
Then, it was reported that the society will require a new lamp for the digital projector, costing £1200-1400. This is occurring in the near future, and it comes with a greater expected life than the previous lamp.

12. Marketing Rates for Charities

The Marketing Officer elect reported that charities had been in touch with him regarding advertising with WSC, and to clarify the society’s position towards charity advertising.
It was decided that WSC could offer charities a week of free advertising, after which they would be expected to pay the full rate.

13. DM/Proj Ratification

It was unanimously voted that Oliver Brown be ratified as a Duty Manager, and that Charlie Roberson be ratified as a Projectionist.

14. Clothing Order

It was reported that all the new exec would receive a new polo, and another clothing order will be put out soon. The Treasurer elect reported she had received 8 replies from people wanting hoodies, and that a crew e-mail with will sent out giving a deadline for the order.
Interest was expressed in dressing gowns, but it was decided not to include these in the order.

15. Time and Date of next meeting

It was provisionally decided the next meeting will be held in week 9, with further discussion to be conducted on the mailing list.

16. AOB

(i) The publicity table is to be brought up to date – American Hustle will be replaced with Frozen, and a notice shall announce the Audience Choice film is Reservoir Dogs.

(ii) The President asked about a cancelled screening – it was resolved that due to low audience figures, an announcement would not be made. It was noted that the audience that night were happy with a refund and a stamp for their loyalty card.

(iii) The question of last minute publicity for the Night of Nolan was raised – the Marketing Officer elect is to promote the event on Facebook, and e-mails will be sent out on the day.

Meeting closed at 18:46

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