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Exec Meeting @ 2014-02-07 19:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Friday 7 February 2014 (Term 2, Week 5)

7:00 pm

Room H0.02, Humanities

Present: Harry Austin (Films Officer), Oliver Brown (President elect;
Chair, items 8–14), Bonita Chung (Events & Socials Coordinator elect),
Reece Goodall (Vice-President elect), Alina Haddad (Publicity Officer),
Sam Kidman (Marketing Officer), Richard Kirk (Marketing Officer elect),
James McLachlan (Vice-President; minutes), Liam McNamara (Chief Duty Manager),
Chloë Pugh (Chief Editor elect), Charlie Roberson (Chief Projectionist elect), Kat Sroga (President; Chair, items 1–7), Allie Wyant (Treasurer elect)

In attendance: Phil Beckett, Giles Hutchings

1. Welcome from the Chair and apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Catherine Allkins (Treasurer), Jess Carroll (Films Officer elect), Alex Pointon (Technical Officer), Thomas Purchas (IT Officer), and Georgie Rawson (Chief Projectionist).

2. Vacant exec positions

It was agreed to hold elections for the vacant positions of Chief Duty Manager and Publicity Officer at the same meeting. Suggested dates were 12 March (Wednesday, Week 10) and early in Term 3.
It was approved that Liam McNamara and Alina Haddad would continue as Chief Duty Manager and Publicity Officer, respectively, in the interim.

3. Publicity quantities for Summer 2014

It was agreed not to produce a booklet for the summer term.
The following provisional quantities were agreed: 5,000 loyalty cards; 1,000 A2 schedules; 2,000 A4 schedules.

4. Sponsored Event

a) Food and beverages. It was established that: Catherine and Allie would order pizza; soft drinks, plastic cups and napkins would be bought on Saturday by Allie, Harry and Kat; alcoholic drinks would be bought on Monday.

b) Running order. It was agreed to run a quiz between the film and provision of pizza, with the answers to be made available online or on request.

c) Prizes. The following prizes were agreed: for first, three tickets to standard screenings (or one ‘Night of Nolan’ ticket) and a box of chocolates; for second, two tickets and a smaller box of chocolates; for third, one ticket and a bar of chocolate.

d) Publicity and marketing. It was established that Richard would create a Facebook event and Alina would design a flyer.

5. Night of Nolan

a) Publicity and marketing. It was agreed to organise a publicity run for 16 February (Sunday, Week 7) starting at 11:30 am.
Sam reported that there were two videos to upload to Facebook.

b) Running order. The following was agreed, with Bonita to work out the timings:

Exec handover & quiz
Quiz answers
The Dark Knight
Themed shorts
The Prestige

c) Prizes. It was agreed to provide three food hampers as quiz prizes.

d) Other. There were no objections to spending no more than £20 on food for event staff.

6. “Audience Choice” film

The Films Officer announced that The Matrix, if available, would be added to the shortlist of Donnie Darko, Reservoir Dogs and Speed.
It was agreed to run a poll at the sponsored event and potentially by email to decide the film, with the result to be announced by the end of Week 6.

7. Spring schedule: The Hobbit

It was agreed to have a second screening of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug at 10:30 pm on 13 March (Thursday, Week 10).

8. Summer schedule: Members’ Free Events

It was decided by a vote (11 for, 1 against, 1 abstention) to have two free films for members in the summer term.
It was decided by votes to make Kill Your Darlings (12 for, 1 abstention) and Non-Stop (11 for, 2 abstentions) free for members.

9. Outdoor screening

The President reported that building work on Tocil Field was likely to start in October 2014.
It was decided by a vote (11 for, 2 abstentions) to have an outdoor screening on Tocil Field in the summer term.
The President resolved to book Tocil Field for 24 and 25 June (Tuesday and Wednesday, Week 10, Term 3).
The Films Officer announced that Despicable Me and Muppets Most Wanted comprised the shortlist, with further suggestions and information on availability to follow at the next meeting.

10. Conditions for collaborations

The Chief Duty Manager reported how, after an objective for the spring term was to increase the number of collaborations with other societies, most collaborations this term had fared poorly.
As a response to the string of poor collaborations, the Films Officer presented a document of revised conditions for collaborations, to be forwarded to the exec for comment.

11. Digital trailers

It was resolved that the Chief Projectionist and Marketing Officer would be jointly responsible for uploading digital trailers to the server.
The Marketing Officer resolved to invite projectionists to be trained to create digital trailers.
It was resolved that a new Digital Trailers Coordinator would be appointed.

12. Internal advertising (LCD screens)

The Marketing Officer reported that some potential advertisers were dissuaded by the fraction of time an advert would appear on screen (approximately 15 seconds every five minutes).
It was resolved to fix the running time of the slideshow so that advertising slots could be sold by time (15 seconds per slot). It was suggested that collaborators be given a free or reduced-price slot.

13. Time and date of next meeting

It was resolved to hold the next meeting on 19 February (Wednesday, Week 7), with the time to be decided.

14. Any other business

a) It was clarified that, in the event of the absence of the Events & Socials Coordinator, other WSC members could lead socials.

b) It was established that Chloë Pugh would continue as Photography Coordinator.

The meeting was closed at 9:18 pm.

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