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Projectionists Meeting @ 2013-11-18 18:10:00

Projection Meeting Agenda
Week 8 Autumn 2013
Monday 18/11/13 18:10 Rootes Fusion Bar

1. Welcome and Apologies

Present: Georgie R (chair), Alex P, Andy M, Sam K, Jethro H

In Attendance: Alex R, Freya J, Charlie R, Reece G, Philip B, Bonita C, Thomas P

Apologies: Rob G, Fergus C, Rob M, Tim G

2. Technical Officer’s Report

Everything is awesome.

3. Projection Procedure Changes/Discussion

There were no projection procedure points

4. Training

Philip and Reece have had their snaps tests
Philip’s q-show is Sunday
Bonita has had her ATS and needs a snaps test (Sunday?)
Freya, Charlie, Allie all need ATSs

5. Time and Date of Next Meeting

Monday 25th Nov tbc

6. AOB

There was no other business

Meeting Ended at 18.32

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