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Exec Meeting @ 2013-11-06 17:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Wednesday 6 November 2013 (Term 1, Week 6)

5:00 pm

Room H4.02, Humanities

Present: Catherine Allkins (Treasurer), Sam Kidman (Marketing Officer),
James McLachlan (Vice-President; minutes), Liam McNamara (Chief Duty Manager), Alex Pointon (Technical Officer), Kat Sroga (President; Chair)

In attendance: Andy Smart, Phoebe Stewart

1. Welcome from the Chair and apologies for absence

The President welcomed those present and in attendance to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Harry Austin (Films Officer), Alina Haddad (Publicity Officer), Thomas Purchas (IT Officer) and Georgie Rawson (Chief Projectionist).
It was noted that the meeting was not quorate.

2. AllNighter planning

a) Quiz/Raffle. It was agreed to run a quiz but not a raffle.

b) Schedule. The length and content of the intervals were discussed, with the President resolving to circulate the agreed schedule among the exec.

c) Prizes. There was agreement to spend less than £100 on prizes, which would comprise food and drinks hampers for first and second places, and a box of chocolates for third place.

d) Publicity. The President resolved to contact the Publicity Officer about the production and distribution of publicity. It was suggested that flyers be placed in Curiositea and undergraduate workrooms.

e) Marketing. The Marketing Officer announced that he would make the slides in the evening after the meeting.

f) Dinner and breakfast. It was resolved to invite crew to Varsity for dinner and Xananas for breakfast.

g) Refreshments stall. It was agreed not to run a stall.

h) Other. The President proposed that refreshments be provided for event staff. It was resolved to decide the budget for these refreshments on the mailing list.

3. Five-film passes

There was consensus to sell five-film passes next term but not to advertise them.

4. Spring Term Movie Pub Quiz

The President reported that she was still trying to arrange a venue for the event.

5. Time and date of next meeting

It was suggested that the next meeting be held on Monday 18 November at 7:00 pm.

6. AOB


The meeting was closed at 6:14 pm.

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