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Projectionists Meeting @ 2013-10-21 18:10:00

Projection Meeting Minutes
Week 4 Autumn 2013
Monday 21/10/13 18:10 Rootes LG Room 1

1. Welcome and Apologies

Present: Georgie R (chair), Andy M, Sam K, Alex P, Jethro H, Max H, Rob M

In Attendance: Philip B, Alex R, Freya J, Reece G, Bonita C

Apologies: Rob G, Fergus C

2. Rotas

Were distributed.

3. Technical Officer’s Report

The strange noise coming from P2 will be investigated by the tech officer

4. Projection Procedure Changes/Discussion
Make sure the black cloth on the table looks neat, especially since it is now only draped over half a table.

5. Training

No training requested.

6. Take Films Down to the Dump

Projectionists were reminded to return their films to the dump as soon as the show is projected, filling in the book with the correct details and checking there is a return address on the box.

7. Chief Projectionists Training Requirements for 2014-15

This point was carried over from last week’s agenda.

Max H said that the CP should probably not need to be 35mm trained, as most of the films are digital and the few 35mm shows could be projected by projectionists other than the CP.

Rob M agreed, but asked whether the future tech officer should have to be 35mm trained. He raised the point that without a 35mm trained tech officer, no 35mm show could ever be projected again because the projectors wouldn’t be properly maintained.

The CP resolved to take this to exec to raise it as a potential issue in future elections.

8. Time and Date of Next Meeting

Monday Week 5 18.10 – Rootes Learning Grid Room 1

10. AOB
No other business

Meeting Ended at 18.22

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