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Exec Meeting @ 2013-06-20 19:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema (WSC) Executive Committee meeting held on Thursday 20 June 2013 (Term 3, Week 9)

7:00 pm

Room B2.01, Science Concourse

Present: Catherine Allkins (Treasurer), Harry Austin (Films Officer; items 19–23),
Alina Haddad (Publicity Officer; items 2c, 3–5, 7–22), James McLachlan (Vice-President; minutes),
Alex Pointon (Technical Officer), Thomas Purchas (IT Officer), Kat Sroga (President; Chair), Natalie Teutsch (Chief Duty Manager)

In attendance: Fergus Cooper, Robert Gardner, Andrew Maddison (items 2–23), George Marshall

1. Welcome from the Chair and apologies for absence

The President welcomed those present and in attendance to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Sam Kidman (Marketing Officer) and Georgie Rawson (Chief Projectionist).

2. Outdoor screening

a) Technical. The Technical Officer reported that everything was ready.
The President confirmed that insurance had been arranged.
Fergus requested the purchase of equipment costing approximately £60. It was decided by a unanimous vote to approve the purchase.

b) Barbecue. The President confirmed that Warwick Retail would run a barbecue between 8:00 pm and 10:00 pm.

c) Publicity and marketing. The Publicity Officer announced that there would be publicity runs on Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday.
It was noted that there were articles about the event in The Boar and ‘The Bubble’.
It was decided by a vote (6 for, 1 against) to give away two five-film passes among those who “shared” the event on Facebook.

d) Music. The President reported that she had had no reply from RaW. The Technical Officer volunteered to make a playlist for the event.

e) Front of House (FoH). The Chief Duty Manager outlined the FoH plans for the event.

3. Ticket prices for 2013-14

It was decided by a unanimous vote to keep the ticket prices for 2013-14 the same as those for 2012-13, with the exception of the latecomer price.
It was decided by a unanimous vote to increase the latecomer charge to £5.

4. Saturday and Sunday screening times for Autumn 2013

It was resolved to decide the screening times on the mailing list.

5. Publicity and marketing for Autumn 2013

The Publicity Officer summarised the progress of, and deadlines for, the autumn term publicity.
It was noted that delivery of the publicity would be for “Week 0”, with freshers’ bags to be packed on 25 or 26 September.
It was decided by a vote (6 for, 1 abstention) to change the number of A4 schedules to be ordered (excluding those in the booklets) from 10,000 to 15,000.
It was agreed to review the number of booklets to be ordered on the mailing list. The President resolved to contact the Students’ Union (SU) to confirm the number of freshers’ bags.

6. ‘Getting involved’ meeting

It was agreed to hold the meeting on 5 October (Saturday, Week 1). The President resolved to contact the SU to confirm the dates of the “Societies Fair”.
It was resolved to decide the time and format of the meeting on the mailing list.

7. Socials for Autumn 2013

The President requested that socials be arranged in time to be publicised at the freshers’ fairs. It was noted that ‘getting involved’ socials could take place before the first midnight screening of term and after the ‘getting involved’ meeting.
The Chief Duty Manager announced plans for a social in Week 3.
It was resolved to discuss plans for socials in September.

8. Movie pub quiz in “Freshers Fortnight”

The President reported that the SU were yet to confirm whether the venue was available on Tuesday or Thursday of Week 2.

9. Autumn 2013 sponsored event (Pan’s Labyrinth)

It was resolved to discuss ideas for event themes on the forums.

10. Trailers for film pages on website

It was established that it was possible to embed film trailers on relevant pages of the website.
It was agreed to implement this feature by mid-August.

11. Collaborations with other societies for Autumn 2013

The Vice-President reported that discussions with the Harry Potter Society about a screening in Week 4 were ongoing.

12. Potential partnership with The Boar

The President reported that she was awaiting a reply concerning a proposal for articles about WSC to feature in The Boar.

13. Communication with other societies

In absentia, the Films Officer noted that contact with societies to promote films could be increased.
The Vice-President noted that he had emailed societies and departments about foreign-language films, but agreed to email more societies upon suggestions from the Films Officer and other exec members.
The President announced her intention to speak to societies at the fairs in autumn about socials to WSC screenings for their members.
It was resolved to produce some handouts for societies in September.

14. Secondary sponsorship

It was resolved that the President would approach companies about sponsoring WSC.

15. WSC rebranding

In absentia, the Films Officer noted that the A4 schedule looked “dated” and not all publicity matched the ‘glow’ theme.
The Publicity Officer reported that the back of the A4 schedule was being redesigned for the autumn term.
It was noted that it would be difficult to implement the ‘glow’ design on much of the printed publicity.
It was resolved to revisit the rebranding discussion after the summer vacation.

16. Purchase of new roller banners

It was agreed that the existing WSC roller banners needed to be replaced. The Publicity Officer volunteered to research suppliers, types and prices.

17. Future clothing designs

In absentia, the Films Officer noted that the society could offer more styles of clothing, such as T-shirts, particularly for special events.
A request from the President for a hoodie order for members at the start of the year was approved. It was resolved that the President would research suppliers.

18. Organisation over summer vacation

It was established when those present would be available over the summer vacation.

19. Communication with crew

It was noted that communication between the exec and crew could be improved. The President announced that she would send regular updates to crew from the start of the autumn term.
It was resolved to make a new Facebook group for 2013-14 crew, and to increase the number of links to the forums from Facebook and news articles on the website.

20. BFFS Awards

The President reported that the awards ceremony would be held on 22 September.
It was resolved to decide on the mailing list which awards to apply for.

21. Qualification ratifications

It was decided by a unanimous vote to ratify the qualification of Mita Suri as a duty manager.
It was decided by a unanimous vote to ratify the qualification of Jethro Harrup as a projectionist.

22. Time and date of next meeting

It was agreed to hold the next meeting in the week commencing 23 September (“Week 0”).

23. AOB

a) Fergus requested the purchase of a monitor for the slideshow PC and other technical items at a total cost of approximately £150. It was decided by a unanimous vote to approve the purchase.

b) The Technical Officer announced that work to replace the masking would be planned over the summer vacation.

The meeting was closed at 10:14 pm.

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