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Exec Meeting @ 2013-04-30 18:00:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema Executive Committee meeting held on Tuesday 30 April 2013 (Term 3, Week 2)

6:00 pm

Room B2.01, Science Concourse

Present: Catherine Allkins (Treasurer), Harry Austin (Films Officer),
Alina Haddad (Publicity Officer), Sam Kidman (Marketing Officer),
James McLachlan (Vice-President; minutes), Alex Pointon (Technical Officer), Thomas Purchas (IT Officer), Georgie Rawson (Chief Projectionist),
Kat Sroga (President; Chair), Natalie Teutsch (Chief Duty Manager)
In attendance: Raphael Lorgere, Liam McNamara (from item 4)

1. Welcome from the Chair

The President welcomed those present and in attendance to the meeting.

2. Air conditioning

It was reported that the air conditioning had been installed, at a cost of approximately £8,900, and was working well.

3. Finances

The Treasurer reported that, if the films in May and June broke even against hire costs, there would be over £10,000 in the accounts by the end of the academic year.

4. Outdoor Screening

a) Technical. The Technical Officer reported that the hiring of a larger screen and the hiring of digital projection equipment were being investigated.

b) Finances. A budget of £4,500 for the event was reviewed and agreed.

c) Publicity. The Publicity Officer reported that a minimum order of 1,100 fortune cookies for campus kitchens would cost £120.
It was resolved to decide on the mailing list whether to order fortune cookies.

d) Clothing. It was suggested that the society subsidise half of the cost of polo shirts. It was resolved to decide the subsidy when quotes had been obtained.
It was agreed that the society would pay for two polo shirts for Andrew Maddison.

5. Movie Pub Quiz

It was reported that the ordered prizes had arrived and the Mighty Duck was available from 5:30 pm. Harry and Kat volunteered to buy the food and drink prizes.
The Technical Officer reported that the technical arrangements had been made.

6. Sponsorship for 2013-14

The President reported that she and Fergus Cooper were to meet a KPMG representative on 13 May.

7. Sunday screening times for Autumn 2013

The Marketing Officer reported that the Facebook poll had not received many more votes since the previous meeting.
It was agreed to email all members about the existing poll or a newly created poll.

8. Prospective collaborations

a) Summer 2013. The President reviewed the arrangements for the Term 3 collaborations.

b) Autumn 2013. The President reported that she and the Films Officer were to meet a senior careers consultant from the University on 3 May. Ideas for events with the Student Careers and Skills service were discussed.

9. Publicity for Autumn 2013

The Vice-President raised a request to discuss the quantities of publicity items to be ordered for Autumn 2013.

Two votes were called: (i) whether to order 2,500 A2 schedules; (ii) whether to order 5,000 business cards, 5,000 booklets and 15,000 A4 schedules (with 5,000 of those for booklets).

It was decided to order 2,500 A2 schedules, with nine votes for and one vote against.

It was unanimously decided to order 5,000 business cards, 5,000 booklets and 15,000 A4 schedules.

The Publicity Officer reported that she planned to hold a publicity meeting in Week 3 and start production of publicity for Autumn 2013 in Week 6.

10. Use of piazza “big screen”

It was agreed to investigate the use of the forthcoming screen for trailers only.

11. Societies Awards submissions

The President suggested that the society enter the awards for Best Society (Media) and Best Event. There were no volunteers to produce submissions for the awards.

12. Sharing information with other student cinemas

The Treasurer reported that she had been contacted by the president of York Student Cinema, seeking advice and asking for technical and financial information.
It was agreed to share information, where not regarded as sensitive, with other student cinemas upon request.

13. Free films for staff

It was agreed to extend the offer of one free film to full-time SU staff for the remainder of term.

14. AOB

a) The Films Officer announced that the programming meeting for Autumn 2013 would be held on Wednesday, Week 3 at 6:30 pm in L3.

b) The Films Officer asked whether the free films for members promotion would continue in the autumn term. It was agreed to discuss the promotion in the next meeting.

c) The Technical Officer announced that approval to send the surround amp for inspection would be sought on the mailing list.

d) It was decided to buy a long-arm stapler for the office.

e) It was agreed to decide the time and date of the next meeting on the mailing list.

The meeting was closed at 7:45 pm.

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