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Projectionists Meeting @ 2013-03-11 16:10:00

Monday 11/03/13 (Spring Week 10) 18:10 SSL

1.Welcome and Apologies for Absence

Present: Georgie R (Chair), Fergus C, Yeng S, Max H, Sam K, Kay C, Andy M, Alex P

In Attendance: Jethro H, James M

Apologies: Ed M, Rob G, R.H., Neil A, Jacqui B

This week saw a bounty of baked goods: Macaroons and carrot cake, to celebrate the end of term!

2. Rotas

Projectionists were asked to please remember to sign up on a regular basis, so that the vast majority of shows do not end up having to be projected by two or three different projectionists. As a tight-knit, well-oiled machine of projectionists, it’d be nice to have each other’s backs when it comes to shows.

Projectionists were also asked to reply to emails, particularly rota emails, even if it is just to say that they cannot project a show, so that the CP can gauge availability.

3. Technical Officer’s Report

As could be gleaned from the show reports, the P3 button is not working [N.B Andy M has fixed this since the meeting]

Left surrounds amp is not currently working, the spare amp is currently being used in its place.

Rob M cleaned the digital projector since Saturday’s The Hobbit, in which the interlock was playing up. It now seems to be working fine.

4. Training

Kay C has qualified! Congratulations to her!

Jethro H and Elliot N need ATS2s. These will take place early next term and Georgie R will be making up a new trailer challenge reel with the help of interested Q-Projs.

Sidney B and Jethro H will need a snaps test. These will be happening early in Term 3

5. Projection Procedure Changes/Discussion

There is a shiny new media server/slides setup, which now only has 1 mouse and keyboard. Fergus C sent out a guide to Q-Proj on how to use it, which can be forwarded to anyone who doesn’t have it.

A number of SRD sound trailers have been cleaned and repaired. These include Egypt, Aurora, Perspectives, City and Train. A brand new unscratched sound trailer, Canyon, is ready to be played.

6.Digital Sound Trailers

Fergus C – Since many of the sound trailers are very scratched, we could look at using digital sound trailers instead of 35mm sound trailers. There are relative pros and cons to this idea. Pros: they would be clean, not scratched, and would not snap. Cons: sound trailers are very useful for fixing racking, focus and tilt before the film begins.

Several projectionists noted that they liked being able to rack and focus on sound trailers. Georgie R will ask the Tech Officer to look into procuring some new 35mm sound trailers, so that for the moment we can continue to use those. It was also agreed that Georgie R would test all the old sound trailers to see which ones needed throwing out and which ones were still playable.

7. Time and Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be on 22nd April at 18:10 in the SSL.

8. AOB

Sam K – Dolby have sent us a new set of ingesting equipment including dock and cables

Fergus C – reminded projectionists that home made cue dots should be at the top and not the middle of a frame

Meeting Ended at 18:43

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