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Exec Meeting @ 2013-02-26 18:10:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema Executive Committee meeting held on Tuesday 26 February 2013 (Term 2, Week 8)

6:10 pm

Room S0.28, Social Sciences

Present: Catherine Allkins, Harry Austin, Alina Haddad, Sam Kidman,
James McLachlan (minutes), Alex Pointon, Thomas Purchas, Georgie Rawson,
Kat Sroga (chairing), Natalie Teutsch
In attendance: Fergus Cooper (from item 2)

1. Welcome
Kat welcomed those present to the meeting.

2. AllNighter review

a) Running time
Kat reported that a member of crew had asked whether a limit to the running time of AllNighters could be imposed.
It was agreed that the AllNighter had run for about an hour too long, even though the interval films were not shown. The late finish also meant that the vacuum cleaners on the Science Concourse were not accessible.
There was consensus that, in programming, the Films Officer should aim for a 9:00 am finish for AllNighters.
It was agreed that the interval films, ‘G103’ and a campus tour, would be shown at the next AllNighter.

b) Financial report
Catherine reported that the AllNighter made a surplus of £364-50p.
It was agreed that less could be spent on food and drink for crew at the next AllNighter, but that some ‘diet’ drinks should be purchased.
For the next AllNighter, it was agreed to consider reducing the budget for prizes, which is to be discussed in the autumn term.

c) Publicity
Kat reported that the Street Team did not distribute AllNighter publicity very well.
There was consensus that, for future publicity runs, the Street Team would be used only for halls where access is difficult.
Thomas asked whether WSC could get a rebate from the SU. Kat replied that WSC’s dissatisfaction had been registered, but there would be no money back.

3. Sponsorcraft update
Kat reported that the Societies Officer had been consulted about ‘crowdfunding’ projects through the company Sponsorcraft. The SU would have no objection to such projects.
A vote was called on whether to pursue using Sponsorcraft by consulting WSC’s KPMG representative. The motion failed, with no votes for, six votes against, and four abstentions.

4. Technical team purchases
Alex announced that a new lamp would be needed for the digital projector in circa Term 3 next year at a cost of approximately £500.
Kat summarised the state of the air-conditioning project: (i) Estates are trying to arrange an inspection; (ii) the final week of the Easter vacation has been booked for installation work; (iii) £10,000 remains the estimated cost of the project.

5. Term 3 pub quiz planning
The Mighty Duck has been booked for the evening of Saturday 4 May.
Scott Griffiths has expressed an interest in setting part of the quiz. The exec will collaborate with Scott through an email thread to set the quiz.
It was agreed that prizes would be decided closer to the event and ticket prices kept at £1 for WSC members and £2 for others.
James proposed that the limit on team size be removed but the prizes still be chosen for teams of six. There was consensus for this proposal.

6. Outdoor screening
Harry presented two potential films for the outdoor screening: Raiders of the Lost Ark and Kung Fu Panda.
A vote was called to decide which film would be shown at the event. There were two votes for Raiders of the Lost Ark and eight votes for Kung Fu Panda.
The winning film, Kung Fu Panda, will be announced after the booking has been confirmed.

7. Collaboration with Offbeat
James will draw up a contract, to be approved by the WSC exec, for the screening of Shut Up and Play the Hits in association with the Offbeat society. The contract will include the portion of film hire to be paid by Offbeat and any special ticket prices for the screening.

8. Sponsorship for 2013–14
A draft sponsorship document was circulated among those present. Kat summarised the changes from the previous document.
The end of Week 8 was set as the deadline for comments on the document from the exec.
Friday, Week 9, was set as the deadline for comments on the document from crew.

9. ‘Getting involved 2013’
Sam stated that, for the next ‘getting involved’ meeting, he would like photos and short films of the current exec and WSC teams at work.
James asked Sam to overhaul the public photo galleries on the WSC website.

10. Review of advertising costs
Sam reported that the reduction agreed at the start of term had helped to generate business, and that societies taking up the offer had been pleased with the deal.
A vote was called to keep advertising costs the same for the summer term. The motion passed unanimously.

11. Card access to L3
Kat stated that she would try to get access for all 10 exec members, but if unsuccessful, she would ask for those in the following positions to be given access: President, Vice-President, Chief Projectionist, Chief Duty Manager, Technical Officer, IT Officer. There were no objections to giving priority to those six positions.

12. Time and date of next meeting
It was decided that the next exec meeting would be held on 14 March (Thursday, Week 10) at 6:15 pm.

13. AOB
i) Natalie and Catherine would like to purchase a shredder for the exec office. The purchase will be discussed on the exec mailing list.
ii) Fergus proposed a motion to bundle slide advertising inside and outside L3, at a cost of £10 per slide per week, for the summer term and the remainder of the spring term. A vote was called, and the motion passed unanimously.
iii) Alex asked whether all office printing should be moved to the A3 printer. It was agreed to keep providing toner for the A4 printer.
iv) Sam would like to email crew about the vacant position of Digital Trailers Coordinator. There were no objections to advertising the position to all crew.
v) Kat reminded those present that exec members must upload photos for the exec page on the WSC website.
vi) For the ‘Freshers Pub Quiz’ in the autumn term, Kat reported that the Copper Rooms were not available at the weekend and would have to be booked for a weekday. There were no objections to holding the quiz instead of screening a film.
vii) Kat reminded those present to reply to the exec mailing list about general emails to that list.
viii) Harry was pleased to announce the arrival of the new, colour-coded till rolls.

The meeting was closed at 8:02 pm.

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