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Exec Meeting @ 2007-02-13 00:00:00

Minutes from Joint Exec Meeting – 13/02/07

1) Welcome and Apologies
Present @ 6PM: Claire J, James M, Victoria G, George M, Matt P, Jeffery C, Rachel C, Martin M, Tim D, James E, James C, Michelle F, Eleanor H, Rob G
Tom H walked in at 7.37

2) Handover
Pres Handover fine
Secretary some email access problems
Films Officer fine
Chief DM fine
Publicity fine
IT various noises were made in the region of begging to Matt P
Chief Projectionist Working ways to do it. RC, CJ and AW on chief proj email listings and duties to be divided up.
Tech Officer Martin couldn’t say due to lack of Tom.

JC and EH said equal opps course went well.

3) Deloitte Event
Have booked zippies with tech as well.
Drinks vouchers – 2 per person to be printed on tickets.
FOPP vouchers to be given away as prizes.
Change homepage to show advert for Deloitte Event.

Insert Random Name Babble eg. JC is CJ backwards and put GM and VG together and get George Galloway sort of thing…

4) AllNighter
DVDs for the AllNighter. Films Officer will buy and charge to FOH.

Here follows 30 mins of random film babble as to what to replace Princess Mononoke with and the following films were mentioned;
Leon, Speed, 5th Element, Face/Off, 12 Monkeys, The Rock, Akira, Die Hard, Power Rangers, The Moguls and Mullholland Drive.

After Voting it was decided Leon, Speed, Face/Off and Akira were going to be enquired into by CJ.

Running Order was decided as;
American Beauty
Talladega Nights
Handover and Quiz answers
Tenacious D
Short Film and Caberet
Team America

Stall in the union (Cholo) on Friday during the day.

5) The incomplete Exec Problem
Was moved to point 11.5) to become a closed exec point.

6) Term 3 Stuff
Publicity – JC to email GM on definite films

Outdoor Screening
Email not come to Chief Proj on what was happening for this year.
Run everything by Deloitte.
Thoughts that there should be one but leaving till next exec meeting.

7) Kiss Me Deadly
Might not be able to get as a previous person had rented it and damaged it.
Print from US not arrived yet so 80% likely not to get.
Need Replacement.
Click, Harsh Times, Wicker Man, Casablanca and the Birds all mentioned.
CJ to look at Casablanca and the Birds.

8) Publicity
Meeting week on Thursday. 22nd
Will focus on reviews, distribution, graphics and editing all separately…
Review people to get free films must be members.
GM reviewing how many reviews/titles need to do to get crew status.
Ideas of
1 review/2 hours distribution/1 weeks pics/titles = 1 weeks crew status.
MP to do crew status with free film + crew status without?
MP to add to wiki about changing status etc.

GM needs a new hard drive for publicity as 1-2GB left.

9) Budgeting
Waiting until definite decision about treasurer for rest of this year.

10) AOB
Pierre confirmed for DM – unanimous
JC confirmed for Proj - unan

Life time members – exec to be discussed next meeting

Society Awards – not bother?
Best non-social event -> outdoor screening.

Unan to go see stef about other people showing films.

MP to delete unused mailing lists

Meeting Closed at 8.30

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