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Projectionists Meeting @ 2013-02-18 16:10:00

Monday 18/02/13 (Spring week 7) 18:10 SSL

1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence

Present: Georgie R (Chair), Fergus C, Yeng S, Max H, Sam K, Enrik N, Rob M, Andy M

In Attendance: Kay C

Apologies: Ed M, Tim G, Rob G, R.H., Jacqui B, Alex P, Neil A

[Since it was Georgie’s first meeting as Chair, there was also glorious chocolate cake provided!]

2. Technical Officer’s Report

We are in need of a new gate bulb.
Need new bolts for the winding bench. The old ones have seen better days.
A few fluorescent light bulbs have blow in the proj box and corridor, which need replacing.

3. Training

Elliot N and Jethro H both need ATS1s. These have been planned for Wednesday at 1pm and 3pm and will be taken by Georgie R.

Kay C has successfully completed her snaps test, a massive thank you to those who helped out. Kay C is now scheduled to do her qualification show on Thursday’s showing of Gambit. Some projectionists have said they are available, but Georgie R will send out an email to make sure the qualification panel has a full contingent.

4. Projection Procedure Changes/Discussion

It was suggested that the masking should no longer be closed at the end of the film, as it is causing tears in the material, which doesn’t look very attractive. Until they are replaced, projectionists should avoid curtain cues and not close the masking at all at the end of a film. In the case of a q-show, a curtain cue can be performed to demonstrate that one has been made, but the masking should be opened again (i.e. press the scope button) before it fully closes.

5. AllNighter Rota

The rota for the AllNighter was discussed and is as follows:

Skyfall (Platter) Yeng S
American Beauty (Platter) Sam K
Seven Psychopaths (Platter) Kay C
Mr E (6000s) Ed M
ParaNorman (6000s) Max H
Indiana Jones: TLC (6000s) Georgie R

6.Review of Time and Date of Meetings

It has been suggested that the time of the meeting may not be the most convenient for the majority of people and so the question was raised as to if there may be a better time for the meeting.

Other potential days were considered and it was pointed out by those present that:

- Any time before 6pm is infeasible as those are the primary lecture hours. Those not in lectures may also be working at jobs, which also tend to have 9-5 hours.
- Any time later than 7pm would risk cutting into the film time, thus excluding those who want to watch, are stewarding, or are projecting that night’s film
- Weekends are largely unsuitable for people living off campus
- It was agreed that meetings would be most convenient for the broadest group of people on weekdays after 6pm. The individual days were then considered.
- Wednesday is generally reserved for socials, training sessions, general meetings, and it is when most sports events occur
- Friday’s early showing begins at 6pm, leaving little time for a meeting prior to that
- DM meetings tend to occur on Tuesdays and Thursdays, however it was suggested that one of these days could be potentially viable.
- It was also raised that room bookings and location would need to be taken into consideration should the time be changed

Having discussed viable alternative options, a vote was called as to whether the members (of whom there was a quorum in attendance) would like to keep projection committee meetings on Monday at 18.10. The members voted unanimously in favour of retaining the original time and date of the meeting.

7. Time and Date of next meeting

The next meeting shall most likely be on 25th February 2013 at 18:10 in the SSL.

8. AOB

Sam K

- Suggested that he would like to make up The Hobbit onto the platter, as it would be good training for many of the trainees who have yet to project a platter film. Also The Hobbit is a very, very long film.

- Enrik made the point that since fewer films are in 35mm, this would eliminate the chance for a lot of changeover practice for a number of very new trainees, especially since there are 3 showings of The Hobbit.

- It was suggested that the first few reels could be platterised and the rest on either 2000s or 6000s to allow for practice of the platter and of changeovers.

Meeting Ended at 18:46

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