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Exec Meeting @ 2013-02-12 18:10:00

Minutes of the Warwick Student Cinema Executive Committee meeting held on Tuesday 12 February 2013 (Term 2, Week 6)

6:10 pm

Room S0.08, Social Sciences

Present: Catherine Allkins, Harry Austin, Fergus Cooper (chairing for items 1–9), Sam Kidman, Rob Maas, Ed McCutcheon, James McLachlan (minutes), Enrik Nako, Alex Pointon, Thomas Purchas, Kat Sroga (chairing for items 10–17), Natalie Teutsch
In attendance: Andrew Maddison (for items 4–17), Oliver Bell (for items 4–9), Yeng Shang (for items 4–9), Tim Green (for items 10–17)
Absent: Richard Townsend (until item 4)

1. Welcome and apologies for absence
Fergus welcomed those present to the meeting of the outgoing exec and the exec elect.
Apologies were received from Jorja Ellison, Alina Haddad and Georgie Rawson.

2. Introduction to exec meetings
Fergus outlined the voting process for exec meetings.

3. Handover progress
Exec members reported on their handovers.
President: some of the handover has been completed; more will be done on Wednesday
Vice-President: to be done on Wednesday
Treasurer: small quantities have been completed; the bulk is to come
Films Officer: none so far
Chief Projectionist: 80% done
Chief Duty Manager: done
Publicity Officer: partially completed; Kat still has Publicity Officer duties
Technical Officer: half done; to be finished before the AllNighter
IT Officer: effectively done
Marketing Officer: not applicable

4. AllNighter
(a) Crew food. Rob will buy food and drink from Costco. A budget of £45 was agreed.
(b) Running order. It was agreed that the running order would be:

Quiz (to be written by Harry)
American Beauty
Qualification prizes and exec handover
Seven Psychopaths
Quiz answers and raffle
Mystery film
G103 (a short film made by maths students and staff at Warwick)
Short interval
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

(c) Prizes. Ed reported that two prizes were in transit. The others have arrived.
(d) Other business.
(i) Kat has designed a poster to be displayed outside the Students’ Union.
(ii) Kat will chase the delivery by the Street Team of publicity to campus kitchens.

5. Financial update
Ed presented the current balance together with outstanding payments. There will be between £9,000 and £10,000 available for purchases by the technical team.

6. Technical team purchases
(a) Speaker covers. Rob will hand over responsibility to Alex. There is no estimate of cost yet.
(b) Masking. Rob reported that more information was needed. The task will be handed over to Alex.
(c) Air conditioning. James informed everyone that, with six films to be confirmed, the estimated ratio of digital to 35-mm films for the summer programme was 3:2.
The situation with digital films means that air conditioning is needed in the long term. Fergus is liaising with Estates for firm quotes. It was noted that work might be completed before the start of the summer term if quotes were received soon.
Ed said that the exec should plan financially for installation of air conditioning over the Easter vacation.
(d) Hard drives. Fergus warned that, with mostly digital films on future programmes, more hard drive space might be needed for the digital projector server.

7. Sponsorcraft
Fergus introduced the company Sponsorcraft and their “crowdfunding” model, which could be used, for example, to raise funds to pay for the film hire for the outdoor screening. Funders would receive some benefit for sponsoring a successful project.

It was agreed that Fergus and Kat would approach the Societies Officer and WSC’s KPMG representative about running projects through Sponsorcraft.

8. Survey discussion
Liam McNamara has analysed responses from the survey handed out at Rear Window, Looper and The Perks of Being a Wallflower. His results overview was distributed and briefly discussed. There were several requests for more detailed analysis, which will be available by the end of term.

Kat will draw a five-film pass winner, to be announced by email, from those who responded to the survey.
As an aside, Enrik asked whether the volume could be used on the screen outside L3 to promote the AllNighter video. There was general reluctance to turn up the volume, and so the screen will remain muted.

As a further aside, Ed and Fergus provided an update on free tickets for University staff. There is the possibility to have an article about the free tickets on insite.

9. Qualification ratifications
Harry proposed that Natalie Teutsch be ratified as a qualified duty manager. The exec voted unanimously in favour of the ratification.

Enrik proposed that Jacqui Bowley be ratified as a qualified projectionist. The exec voted unanimously in favour of the ratification.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm and reconvened at 7:40 pm.

10. Summer term publicity quantities
Financial projections for the start of the next academic year were made. These projections included the following assumptions: (i) the outdoor screening would cost £4,225; (ii) there would be no sponsorship for 2013–14 ; (iii) air conditioning would be installed and cost £10,000; (iv) film takings for February to June (inclusive) would be equal to film hire (including other AllNighter expenses).

Kat informed everyone that: (i) 1,000 booklets would cost approximately £1,200; (ii) 5,000 business cards would cost approximately £420; (iii) 7,000 A4 schedules and 1,500 A2 schedules would cost approximately £700.

Under the assumptions agreed by those present, a vote was held to cancel the booklet for the 2013 summer term. The motion passed, with 11 votes for, no votes against, and two abstentions.

A vote was held to order 5,000 business cards for the 2013 summer term. The motion failed, with one vote for, 10 votes against, and two abstentions.

A vote was held to order 7,000 A4 schedules and 1,500 A2 schedules for the 2013 summer term. The motion passed, with 11 votes for, no votes against, and two abstentions.

11. Sunday screening times
Harry declared that he would like to move Sunday screenings in the autumn and spring terms forward to 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm, or 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm, his reason being that more students who live off-campus could attend Sunday screenings.
It was noted from the survey results that a low proportion of the audience live in Leamington, but moving Sunday screenings forward might aid the staffing of late shows.
James suggested 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm screenings as an alternative, but Andrew warned that matinees had been unsuccessful in the past. Enrik added that he would like Sunday afternoons to be kept free for snaps tests.
It was suggested that a survey or Facebook poll be run on preferred Sunday screening times. It was agreed that Sam would create a Facebook poll with three options: (i) 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm; (ii) 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm; (iii) 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm.

12. Outdoor screening
Rob gave a briefing about the outdoor screening and provided a handout.
James presented the film shortlist: Raiders of the Lost Ark, E.T., Kung Fu Panda, The Muppets, Coraline, and Gremlins. The vote to decide the film will be held at the next exec meeting.

13. Summer programme update
Further to suggestions from the programming meeting held on 30 January 2013, a vote was held to make Sightseers, The Sessions and Beautiful Creatures free films for members. The motion passed, with 11 votes for, two votes against, and no abstentions.

After the successes of the previous two pub quizzes, a vote was held to run a pub quiz in the Mighty Duck on Saturday Week 2 of the summer term. The motion passed unanimously.

Kat outlined her plans for a pub quiz in the autumn term as part of the “Freshers Pass”. It was agreed to approach the Union about running such an event.

14. Future of 35-mm film at WSC
James provided a warning for the autumn term and beyond that the ratio of digital to 35-mm films would only increase. The implications of a mostly digital schedule for projection may have to be discussed in detail over the summer vacation.

It was noted that the cost to repair a 35-mm projector might become prohibitive unless and until most cinemas discard their projectors.

15. Office access for Chief Editor
Kat proposed the motion that the key allowances be amended to give the Chief Editor access to the corridor and exec office.

A vote was held to approve the motion. The motion passed, with 11 votes for, no votes against, and two abstentions.

16. Time and date of next meeting
It was agreed that the next exec meeting would be held in Week 8, the date and time to be decided on the mailing list.

17. AOB
(i) James asked when the next clothing order would be made. Ed and Catherine will organise one in Week 7.
(ii) Sam asked those present to ensure that they do not ‘like’ things as the WSC Facebook account.
(iii) Ed advised the exec elect to start planning to secure sponsorship for the next academic year.
(iv) Enrik suggested that, in future, potential candidates for election be warned that the joint exec meeting is likely to be held in reading week.
(v) Tim asked for clarification about the pub quiz arrangements for the summer term.
(vi) Fergus said he would arrange the distribution of keys to the new exec
(vii) Harry announced that interviews for trainee duty managers would be held in L3 or the exec office on Wednesday afternoon.
(viii) Rob wished the new exec good luck for the year ahead.
(ix) Kat sought clarification of the acceptable use of the new colour printer.
(x) It was established that space on the publicity drive has been created.
(xi) Kat asked the new exec to fill in the form for the Union.

The meeting was closed at 10:03 pm.

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