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Publicity Meeting @ 2013-01-22 18:30:00

Meeting commenced at 18:35pm
1. Welcome and Introduction
In Attendance: Kat Sroga (Chair), Alina Haddad, Andy Smart, Sam Kidman, Chloe Pugh, Liam McNamara, Jacqui Gill, Fergus Cooper (arrived late), Robin Kerrison (arrived late)

2. Review of Spring 2013 Publicity
• Everybody at the meeting told the room their areas of involvement with the Spring publicity; there was a mix of titles and graphics collectors, editors and reviewers.
• People said that in general the publicity process was not too difficult, but the following feedback was given:
• It was raised that the sign-up email for graphics/titles, the confirmation email, and the website page all had different guidelines, which made collection confusing. The publicity officer will contact IT to try to cancel the confirmation email, and create a definitive PDF document with the correct guidelines.
• It was suggested that the guidelines for titles be changed, to acknowledge the fact that for some films, it’s impossible to find a good title with a width of 1920px or more. It was noted that publicity titles don’t necessarily need to be that large and that marketing could always find their own titles later if necessary. The PDF document for titles guidelines will reflect this.
• An editor raised an issue with Advanced Paste on the Remote Desktop. It was explained that some things (e.g. director alignment) could not be fixed, but the IT team will be contacted.
• It was suggested that people should collaborate in suggesting websites that they think are good for titles and graphics. It was decided that the Publicity Officer would explore options (email/wiki/website page) before Summer publicity creation.
• The issue of hard drive space was discussed, with regards to the possibility of saving .JPG files rather than .TIFFS to save space. It was decided that unless we ran out of space or IT complained, we would keep using the .TIFF format as it makes it easier for the editors and the Publicity Officer.
• Reviews sign up was discussed, and the merits of having a website page for sign ups rather than the Reviews Editor handling allocations were debated. The downsides to the website page were how to control access to ‘big’ films, and the fact that then reviews could only be written by members. Due to the fact that we often struggle to find quite enough reviewers to do every film and so should not be restricting reviewers further, it was decided to keep the current system.
• It was decided that during Summer publicity creation there should be hours where the office was always accessible, as access was a problem last term.

3. Discussion of Summer 2013 Publicity
• The fact that there might not be a Summer Booklet for budgeting reasons was mentioned. Most people in the room expressed that they would be very interested in editing for a booklet if one was to be created, and the Publicity Officer informed the room that she had been running editing training sessions for some other members of the team, who were also keen to edit. It was concluded that there was more than enough enthusiasm from our side to justify a booklet, and so the decision lies with Exec as to whether it is affordable.
• A rough timeline for creating was given (assuming a booklet)… Late Week 5 (after elections) for the Reviews/ Titles/ Graphics emails, with deadline late Week 7. Editing to begin Week 7, with deadline Week 9 (depending on Emmersons). It was noted that if there was to be no booklet, this timeline would change.

4. Weekly Publicity Sign Up
• The following weeks were signed up for: Week 5 (Alina), Week 9 (Sam), Week 10 (Liam), other weeks will be available if people want them.

5. Themed Publicity
• It was suggested that we could publicise the Oscar Nominees in the second half of our schedule (Silver Linings Playbook, Amour, Life Of Pi, Argo, Beasts of the Southern Wild)

6. Information about positions becoming available
• It was explained that the elections were upcoming, and so the role of Publicity Officer was explained, and people in the room invited to nominate themselves when nominations open.
• The (non-Exec) roles of Titles Co-ordinator, Graphics Co-ordinator, Reviews Editor and Chief Editor were also explained.
• This information has been sent out in an email to the Publicity Team.

6. Publicity and Marketing Collaboration
• We discussed whether publicity should contain a facebook link:
• It was decided that we shouldn’t put the url, and instead just say ‘Like Us On Facebook’ as no-one would be likely to type up a link, making them aware we have a page is enough.
• It was mentioned that Twitter should also be included.
• It was decided that Facebook/Twitter should be mentioned on A4 and Weekly Publicity, and also in the booklet more prominently.

6. AOB
• It was mentioned that the campus map on the A4s needed to be updated.

Meeting ended at 19:25pm

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