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Projectionists Meeting @ 2013-01-21 18:13:00

Monday 21/01/13 (Spring week 3) 18:13 SSL

1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence

Present: Enrik N (Chair), Rob M, R. H, Max H, Georgie R, Andy M

In Attendance: Jacqui B, James M

Apologies: Ed M, Tim G, Rob G, Fergus C, Alex P, Sam K, Neil A

2. Technical Officer’s Report

More tools for the Proj Box are here (with one or two still being delivered). Could people please make sure to return tool to their respective draws once used and in general return them if borrowed.

Rob would like to know if anyone has any ideas of where to get new masking from?

The longer cable from Sound Associates has arrived and been installed; all seems to be working well.

We have new black speakon cables (with a spare in the “Speakon Bits” draw).
For the Outdoor Screening: one company will allow two drivers and another can waive to 22 years old (more information to come when Rob has it).

There are 4 more spaces for the Bradford trip.

3. Training

Jacqui B may have her snaps test on Wednesday 23rd Jan. Proj arrivals at 1pm with Jacqui arriving at 2pm. Savages on Thursday may be her qualification show.

4. Projection Procedure Changes/Discussion

Please remember to send show reports!

5. Time and Date of next meeting

The next meeting shall be on 28th January 2013 at 18:10 in the SSL.

6. AOB

James M

- We don’t seem to have a regular NFT driving at the moment, so films are being regularly delivered to the Art’s Centre

Meeting Ended at 18:48

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