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Projectionists Meeting @ 2013-01-07 18:18:00

Monday 07/01/13 (Spring week 1) 18:18 SSL

1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence

Present: Enrik N (Chair), R. H, Yeng S, Max H, Georgie R, Rob M, Sam K, Andy M, Alex P

In Attendance: James M

Apologies: Ed M, Tim G, Rob G, Fergus C, Jacqui B, Neil A

2. Technical Officer’s Report

Many things broke over the holidays, most are now fixed.

Need to discuss/research getting new masking, speaker grills and speaker carpet.

The speaker cover has disappeared, we probably need a new one.

CP500 is now fixed though some components are ‘toasty’ so a replacement PSU should be looked into. A price for one is £196 plus VAT and P&P.

With regards to the availability of the minibus for the Bradford trip, Rob is more confident we will have one.

There is no longer any hissing in the surrounds (during digital content) due to a 10m AES cable. Just need to get the invoice for it now.

3. Training

Enrik told everyone that of the three people waiting to become trainees, two have now had their ITS and the last is due to have his on Wednesday.

4. Projection Procedure Changes/Discussion

The asbestos has been removed from the cupboards at the front of L3, so we now go back to having speakers in there.

5. Time and Date of next meeting

The next meeting shall be on 14rd January 2013 at 18:10 in the SSL.

6. AOB

James M

- The code to get into the dump does not work. Andy M said it is most likely due to the batteries dying (which is an easy enough thing to replace).

Meeting Ended at 18:43

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