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Projectionists Meeting @ 2012-10-01 18:18:00

Monday 01/10/12 (Autumn week 1) 18:18 SSL

1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence

Present: Enrik N (Chair), Sam K, Andy M, Neil A, Georgie R, Yeng S, Fergus C

In attendance: Matt W, Kat S, Jorja E

Apologies: Ed M, Rob G, Tim G, R. H, Tristan B, Rob M, Alex W, Alex T, Alex P

2. Crew Status Requirements

Enrik told the projectionist committee that the crew status requirement of 2 shows every 3 weeks will be more strictly enforced from now on. To help him with this: Enrik has started a Projectionist Inactivity Scheme which he will use to track the projectionists not projecting the required amount of shows.

Fergus remarked that there are not enough shows for each projectionist to fulfil the requirement. Enrik agreed with him on this, however, not every projectionist at the moment is fulfilling the requirement, so this is not an issue. When every projectionist is trying to do that many shows, Enrik said he will happily change the requirements of the crew status.

3. Training

With an influx of new trainee projectionists imminent, Enrik started a discussion on how many new trainees should be taken on. Fergus pointed out that in the previous year too many were taken on (others agreed) so it was decided that the maximum number at any one point is to be 6 trainees.

4. Projection Procedure Changes

- Speakers Too Close To Board

Enrik reminded everyone that they should not push the speakers too close to the boards at the bottom of L3 because the speakon cables (among others) can break – like what happened during the showing of ‘The Pirates!’.
Whilst on the subject, Fergus suggested that we talk to the appropriate party about seeing if we can have the speakon cable connections coming out of the boards at the bottom of L3. This is so projectionists need not struggle to put the cables in and so the cables don’t go over the top of the boards which doesn’t look nice.

- Recording Proj Box Temperature

Due to the weather no longer making the proj box too hot, Enrik informed everyone that there is no longer a need to record the temperature of the proj box at the start and at the end of the ads anymore.

- Minor Changes to Initial Training Sessions

Section added about informing trainees of what COSHH sheets are and where to find them.

‘The First Show’ sub title added so the trainees is taught how to use the rotas and how to access the wiki (where the lacing path diagrams will be very useful before their first show).

- Minor changes to Making-up Booklet

Above ‘Curtain Cue’ and ‘Last Thing on Screen’ at the bottom of the first page there is a new row named ‘Credits’. In this, the projectionist making up will write in what type of credits are on the film (e.g. white text & black background, or, orange text and moving picture throughout, etc.).
Also, the empty row below the film/aspect/sound information has gone. In order to indicated what is on the film, projectionists will now simply circle the relevant film format and aspect ratio. As for the sound format: any found on the print will be underlined and the one chosen to project with will be circled.

- Trainee Booklet Changes

A new one has been made in Word (with actual tables) so it looks better and it is also now possible to edit it without needing to make a new one.
The ‘Topics Covered During Training‘ page has been redesigned completely – it is now called the ‘Trainee Status Tracker’. It has fewer rows than the old one and tracks information like what sound/aspect experience the trainee has along with making-up experience.

As you can see…Enrik got a little bored over the summer.

5. Proj/DM Exchange Programme

Harry came to Enrik with an idea of a proj/DM exchange programme where a proj or DM can shadow a member of the other committee so they can learn what the other committee does during a show. This is also so the two committees can better understand what challenges the other sometimes faces during shows and why it takes a certain amount of time for these to be overcome. No one had a problem for this to occur.

6. Time and Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be on the 8th of October at 18:10 in the SSL.

7. AOB

Neil A:

- Wanted to know when the Getting Involved Meeting was. Enrik said it will be on the 6th October at 16:00 in L3.

Meeting Ended at 18:48

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