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Exec Meeting @ 2012-05-31 15:07:00

Thursday 31/05/12 (Summer week 6) 15:07 H3.56

Summary of Relevant Points:

Another Ask the Exec meeting will be held next term

1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence

Present: Mike Lee (chair), Tim Green (minute-keeper), Ed McCutcheon, James
McLachlan, Harry Austin (arrived late with apologies) Rob Maas, Richard Townsend,
Clarissa Gillingham

In Attendance: Matthew Wilkinson (arrived late)

Apologies: Enrik Nako, Scott Griffiths

2. Free Films, Sponsored Event and Member's Benefits
for Autumn Term 2012

James proposed that the first two films of the autumn term schedule (Battleship and 21 Jump Street) be free to attend. This proposal passed unanimously.

James then proposed that Batman Begins (week 4) will be our Autumn term sponsored screening event. This proposal passed with five in favour and two abstentions.

(At this point Harry Austin arrived.)

A discussion on whether the members free film promotion would continue into the new academic year. Ed argued that the majority of the films that were chosen for members free films would not have been as successful if the promotion had not been in effect.

(Matthew Wilkinson then arrived.)

The general consensus was that this promotion should continue, but that the exec should not tie its hands on the exact number (as was done last year).

The suggestions from the programming meeting for next term's schedule were: Safe, Arthur Christmas and Tales of the Night.

It was proposed that Safe and Tales of the Night would be members free screenings. This proposal passed unanimously.

It was further proposed that our Christmas screening: Arthur Christmas would as be a members free screening. This proposal also passed but with four in favour, two against and two abstentions.

3. Qualification Ratification

Rob M, on Enrik's behalf, proposed that the exec ratify the qualification of Georgie Rawson, who qualified at the early showing of The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel on Sunday 27th June.

This motion passed with seven in favour and one abstention.

4. Outdoor Screening Update

Ed informed those present that the equipment hired for the Outdoor Screening would need to be insured through the Students Union at an estimated cost of £50.

The budget for the Outdoor Screening (which is £4000) was broken down and explained.

The total is currently at about £3900, which is below budget.

University security will need to be contacted to arrange the use of barriers for the field. The locking-up of the van in the physics compound will also need to be arranged.

It was proposed by Ed that the society should initiate last year's balloon publicity again.

After a long discussion it was agreed that the discussion will be taken to the mailing lists for more ideas.

5. Freshblood Society Proposal

It has been proposed by the Freshblood Society that the cinema screen the winner of their short film competition at the end of term. All ticket proceeds would go to the cinema, and that the cinema could choose ticket prices. It was thought reasonable that £1 for each ticket would allow the society to recoup the costs of use of equipment etc.

It is proposed that this continue into the future, with the cinema screening a winner at the end of every term. A 19:30 Saturday week 9 slot was thought most appropriate, though it was noted that this not be set in stone.
It was then discussed if this screening could be included in our own publicity. It was agreed that it would be infeasible to include this in the booklet or business cards but that it could be included in the A2 and A4 schedules (but only if there is not another screening on that day).

Naturally the name of the short film winner could not be included in the publicity, but only the name of the event.

6. Proj. Box Cooling Update

The air conditioning system will cost around £8000 - £8500 excluding VAT. Install time will be around three weeks.

A 'tarpaulin tent' has been erected around the digital projector encompassing our new portable air con unit. This seems to be working for now, but needs further testing. It is believed that this temporary measure should allow the society to hold the double screening of Ghost Rider 2 without any problems.

James stated that if any problems are had with Ghost Rider 2 then Titanic can be rebooked in 35mm.

At £10,200 including VAT, the air conditioning system is slightly more than the society can afford without going into debt with the Students Union. The society could apply for the Vice Chancellor's fund and the Society Federation emergency fund if it must go ahead with the installation.

7. Ask The Exec Reflection

After a summary of the points raised at this meeting it was agreed that the meeting was relatively successful if not dragging on a bit.

The general consensus of the exec was that another Ask the Exec meeting should be held early next term, depending on the availability of the exec.

8 Time and Date of Next Meeting

It was agreed that this would be decided on the exec mailing list.

9 Other Business

Ed reminded the exec that official email addresses should be used for all official correspondence as records are kept of these.

James pointed out that the name of the ticket type external guest was to be changed to external, but that this has not yet been done on the website.

(Enrik, with rather impeccable timing, took this opportunity to arrive at the meeting.)

Meeting Ended at 17:09

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