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Projectionists Meeting @ 2012-06-04 18:13:00

Monday 04/06/12 (Summer week 7) 18:13 The Mighty Duck

1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence (Chaired by Rob M)

Present: Enrik N (late – Chair thereafter), Rob M (Chair until Enrik arrived), Fergus C, Neil A, Georgie R, Mike L (late)

In Attendance: Sam K, R. H

Apologies: Tim G, Alex T, Andy M, Rob G, Yeng S, Ed M

2. Technical Officer's Report (Chaired by Rob M)

During a snaps test, one of the DTS readers was dropped and now has a broken roller – this will need to be fixed.

3. Training (Chaired by Rob M partially)

Both R. H and Sam K had their snaps test on the weekend. Thank you to those that helped out.

Likewise, both R. H and Sam K have chosen their qualification shows of Thursday’s screening of Wanderlust and Sunday’s screening of Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close respectively; some projectionists for their qualification committees were found – though more are needed so this will be taken to the q-proj mailing list.

The following point was made by Enrik N once he arrived:

Enrik said he would very much prefer that non-trainees are not trained how to project irrespective of their level of interest or if there is no trainee projectionist for a show. It can give the wrong impression to this person (even if it is explicitly explained that they are not becoming an actual trainee) and can cause issues for the Chief Proj when it comes to choosing new trainees. If an individual is interested in projecting, the best thing is to refer them to the Chief Proj who ultimately decides who goes on the training scheme. If you are ever unsure on what do to in such a situation, then Enrik recommend speaking to him before making any decisions.

4. Time and Date of Next Meeting (Chaired by Enrik)

The next meeting will be on Monday 11th June at 18:10 in the SSL.

5. AOB (Chaired by Rob M partially)

Rob M:
- The Outdoor Screening Meeting will be part of the week 10 proj meeting

Mike L:
- Due to potentially worrying financial circumstances, it would be greatly appreciated if no expensive (or otherwise) pieces of equipment were broken.

Enrik N (point submitted beforehand by Andy M):
- Firstly, could projectionists turn the air con off at the end of their shows
- Secondly, could they also set the timer on the air con so it starts about two hours before the next screening (this is however, weather dependant, so if cold weather is forecasted it will not be necessary)
- To set the 'on' timer you first turn the air con off and then press the clock symbol and the up and down arrows to set the number of hours until it should come on. E.g. if you leave at 11pm on Sunday, the next show is 7.30pm Monday, so if you set the number of hours to 18 it will come on at 5.00pm on Monday (which is close enough).
- With the large gaps in the schedule (Monday to Thursday for example), there should be some projectionist around at some point that can turn it on. However, this is as aforementioned, weather dependant, so setting the timer will have to be evaluated on a day by day basis.

Meeting Ended at 18:42

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